Printing Blog Not Allowed Texas Animal Sanctuary Underworld: Troubling Times

February 15, 2009

Troubling Times

One would think with all the financial difficulties, the pseudo-sanctuary would avoid buying any more large purchases. One would be wrong. It was just discovered the pseudo-sanctuary, without board approval, purchased another large truck costing over $27k. The vehicle was listed in the sanctuary's name, but the owner's address was that of the personal residence of the directors. As mentioned numerous times, this is a board "in-name" only. Sad to say, the so-called Treasurer has no say-so regarding how donated money is spent at the pseudo-sanctuary.

Meanwhile, a new appeal (newsletter) was sent out to the pseudo-sanctuary's donor list this week. The appeal covered three main stories--the first one covered an animal acquisition over a year ago, but was written as it just happened "recently." The second story (non-animal related) covers an event that also occurred about a year ago, but the director got her facts wrong, no doubt in the hopes of appealing to donors with the deceptive spin. The third story covers the arrival of a baby cougar from Washington State last year, which as of last month, no one on tour has been able to see. When the tour asked if they could see the baby cougar, the tour guide became evasive and refused to disclose where the cougar lives today (assuming she is still alive today).

I also just learned the animal caretakers were told to find additional ways to reduce costs for animal care! The animals barely get enough care and now they have to do with even less?? Truly this is troubling times for the animals at the pseudo-sanctuary.