Printing Blog Not Allowed Texas Animal Sanctuary Underworld: Before and After - The NY Primate Story

June 27, 2009

Before and After - The NY Primate Story

On January 1, 2009, I reported how PETA was instrumental in relocating the New York primates to Texas (refer back to January 1, 2009 posting). The primates arrived over a year ago, yet the pseudo-sanctuary continues to report the primates only arrived "recently."

Below are photographic progression of what the primates looked like:
In the New York lab

In January 2009 (shortly after primates were
placed on display after remaining in quarantine
for approximately 9 months)

In February 2009

In May 2009

In June 2009

If you click on the photos above, you can see the extent of the primates' hair loss and one primate had an open wound on the base of her tail. Sadly, the tour guides continue to claim the primates arrived in poor condition from the New York laboratory and it appears the primates' health continues to deteriorates. The USDA was apprised of the primates condition in May and June 2009 - thus far no action has been taken to help these animals. Even their former owners, Lehman College, and PETA have turned their backs on these animals. This is no success story.

Listen to two separation explanations as to what happened to the primates, by two different tour guides:

[Present Day:  When I contacted PETA and asked why in the world would anyone from PETA send primates to the WAO, I received this response to my inquiry:]

From: Lisa Wathne

To: Kristina Brunner
Sent: Wed, December 31, 2008 11:26:48 AM
Subject: RE: ASUS/WAO - Lehman College Primates

Hi Kristina,

PETA had nothing to do with choosing placement for these monkeys. Please see answers to your specific questions in blue below.

Lisa Wathne

Captive Exotic Animal Specialist
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals


From: Kristina Brunner
Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2008 5:24 PM
To: Lisa Wathne
Subject: ASUS/WAO - Lehman College Primates

Greetings Lisa:

I don't know if you remember me--I contacted you in February 2006 regarding the Animal Sanctuary of the United States , dba The Wild Animal Orphanage. You will be pleased to know the case against the ASUS/WAO is on-going by the Texas Office of the Attorney General and the USDA/APHIS and both cases are entering their 3rd year. At this time, an APHIS administrative hearing is pending for violations of the AWA.

The bad news: I recently learned PETA sent the Lehman College rhesus macaques to the ASUS/WAO in March 2008:

2008 - Monkeys Escape Brain Experiments

When PETA learned that six monkeys at New York's Lehman College who were slated for retirement at a sanctuary were instead sold to New York University (NYU) for invasive brain experiments, PETA contacted both Lehman and NYU and mobilized its members with an online action alert. After hearing from thousands of concerned people, NYU announced that it was sending the monkeys to a sanctuary. Wanda, Holly, Jada, Sophie, Samantha, and Lilly are now living together in a group at the sanctuary and will soon be introduced to the other monkeys at the facility.

POC: Kathy Guillermo, Director Laboratory Investigations Department

I have to admit dismay that PETA elected to send the primates to this facility--especially since it has been under investigation by State and Federal agencies since February 2006.

Regardless, what's done, is done. I have pictures of the primates' new enclosure (a small enclosure which used to house, at one time or another, 2 chimps, a baby bear, a leopard, tiger cubs, a grey langur, baboons, pata monkeys, and now rhesus macaques). The primates are on tour at the Leslie Road facility and they live right next to the tigers. It has been over 8 months since their arrival to the WAO and as far as I know, there are no plans to "integrate" the primates with other rhesus macaques at the Talley Road facility (non-regulated, non-inspected property--USDA was denied access to inspect the property in 2007.)

1. How much money did the WAO receive from Lehman College and PETA for the care of the primates? PETA had nothing to do with choosing a sanctuary for these monkeys. Lehman sold them to NYU for use in invasive brain experiments. Lehman had previously promised that the monkeys would be placed in sanctuary so PETA approached both Lehman and NYU and asked them to abide by the experimental protocol and retire the monkeys. NYU chose the sanctuary without consulting PETA. PETA did not contribute money. We don’t know how much NYU/Lehman provided.

2. What were the primates promised (i.e. a new large natural enclosure, special care, special diet)? Is there anything in writing describing their proposed or actual care/facility (emails, letters, etc)? Again, the agreement was not with PETA, but we were told that the monkeys would be placed together in a large enclosure.

3. Did the following 4 rhesus macaques accompany the six rhesus macaques from New York-- Sebastian (adult male); Prudence (adult female); Miss B. Peel (adult female); and Bugs (adult male)? If yes, how much money accompanied these animals and were any special "promises" made towards their care and upkeep? We don’t know anything about these monkeys.

4. Why did PETA select the WAO as the animals' new caretakers? See above.

It is very important I speak to someone regarding the primates mention in question #3. I have information regarding the health of the rhesus macaques, which I believe PETA will find of interest.

Please feel free to respond by return e-mail or call me at (xxx) xxx-xxxx (nighttime only). Thank you for your assistance in this matter -

Kindest Regards,

Kristina Brunner
Former ASUS/WAO Vice President, Treasurer, and Chairperson


PETA may not have selected the WAO for the macaques, but they did not stop Lehman College from sending the monkeys to the Texas sanctuary.  If they stopped the monks from going to NYU, why couldn't PETA mobilized its base once again and stop the transfer to the WAO?

Sadly, PETA was not interested in following up the the monkeys listed in Item 3.  Big surprise.

Needless to say, the San Antonio Lightning was interested in this story: