Printing Blog Not Allowed Texas Animal Sanctuary Underworld: Another Reported Tiger Death - Bubba?

July 19, 2009

Another Reported Tiger Death - Bubba?

I just learned there was another tiger death at the pseudo-sanctuary and rumor has it that it may have been Bubba, the white tiger. Here is Bubba's story:

The video clip below was taken on November 24, 2008. Bubba arrived at the pseudo-sanctuary in the Spring of 2005 along with several other animals to include 8 servals (today there is only one left at the facility). The facility sent out newsletter appeals in 2005-06 requesting funds to build Bubba a "specially designed, large natural area, with low shelter areas and large natural pool." Needless to say, the cage was never built; he currently lives in a small enclosure that housed many, many tigers over the years. His cage mate, Princess, died under suspicious circumstances in 2008, shortly before the video (seen below) was taken.

Bubba was also promised a special diet and medication to treat any pain resulting from his degenerative joint disease in his hips. According to the pseudo-sanctuary's vet, Bubba should have been able to live a near normal lifespan. It's hard to believe that the tiger in the video is only about 8 years old!

We are waiting for confirmation of the tiger that died recently. No matter who the tiger was (Bubba or another male tiger), he or she did not deserve to die so young. So many big cats have died from the touring facility within the last few months, that it unconscionable that the USDA does nothing to save the remaining big cats living at this "facility." May God Bless and protect the tiger that died in and now resides in Heaven, forever and ever.