Printing Blog Not Allowed Texas Animal Sanctuary Underworld: Tiger Cub's Plight

February 22, 2009

Tiger Cub's Plight

I received word this weekend the pseudo-sanctuary acquired another baby cub last Friday--this time it was a baby tiger cub named Zee Zee. I have little doubt the so-called board of directors were not notified in advance of the latest acquisition and goodness knows how much money accompanied little Zee Zee. The sad reality is there is no where to place Zee Zee on the touring property at this time, due to her small size as she is only about 4 months old. So where will she go? Will she also disappear to the second non-regulated, non-inspected property?

Meanwhile, the baby cougar cub disappeared from the touring property. Yesterday, a tour inquired on the status of Noel, the baby cougar cub, and was told she was "timid and scared," so they moved her to the second "sanctuary." Since the second property houses bears, wolves, tigers, and primates, I wonder where on the second property the lone cub is being housed? Assuming she is still alive, she can never return to the touring property and join the other cougars because that would be a violation of the current USDA exhibitor's permit issued to the touring property. So why was Noel moved? Is she alive? A newsletter went out this month describing the arrival of Noel to the pseudo-sanctuary--is the pseudo-sanctuary funding raising for another dead animal again?

The board met this weekend and it is my understanding three directors showed up for the meeting, with the VP calling in from his home in Florida. As usual, the "president's" spouse sat in on the meeting, even though he is not a board member. One of the board members, the so-called Treasurer, was seen taking cell phone pictures of Zee Zee in her transporter cage before the start of the meeting, exclaiming she wanted to show off the new cub to her friends. What a joke.

In response to all the animal reports coming from tours, the pseudo-sanctuary has banned video cameras from the property! Looks like they have something to hide afterall.

The tour confirmed Molly is gone. When asked why Zesus did not have a cage mate, the tour was told by the tour guide that the sanctuary tried for some time to find him a compatible mate without any luck. Molly has been gone about 1-2 months, so needless to say, the tour guide's statement is upsetting to say the least. As to the Louisiana tigers, they are also missing from the tour property.  The tour guide claimed they were moved to the second property.

Sadly, Rumby, another tiger, appears to be missing from her enclosure. The tour reported her cage as empty, and cross photographs confirms the fact. Last month, a tour reported Rumby looking horrible, moving very slowly and appearing very thin. Since yesterday's tour arrived when the tigers were being fed, Rumby should have been very noticeable. So now another tour will have to confirm Rumby's whereabouts, before a final pronouncement can be made as to her health and whereabouts.

So the plight of the pseudo-sanctuary's animals continue with no end in sight. God help Zee Zee, Noel, and Rumby...

Much Later:  Backup documentation...
ASUS - February 21, 2009 Meeting Minutes