Printing Blog Not Allowed Texas Animal Sanctuary Underworld: Four or Five Legs?

February 26, 2009

Four or Five Legs?

Legend has it that Abraham Lincoln once posed a riddle: How many legs does a dog have if you count his tail as a leg? Came the answer, "Five." Replied Lincoln, "No, four. Counting a tail as a leg doesn't make it a leg."

Calling a sanctuary an animal sanctuary does not make it a safe place to send animals. Nor does it make it a great place to donate money. Case in point, the pseudo-sanctuary was probably several hundred thousand dollars in red last year, and still the pseudo-sanctuary board of directors paid the husband and wife "directors" approximately $141,175 in annual salaries for 2008 (he was paid about $73,368 and she was paid about $67,807-- health care benefits not included).

Despite all the documents on the web, individual owners and research/universities still place their animals at the pseudo-sanctuary. It just goes to show these people/places do not thoroughly investigate their animal(s) "final home." It's all a matter of expedience, I suppose.

Speaking of expedience, the pseudo-sanctuary's board of directors decided it was best not to go against the USDA/APHIS after voting in October 2007 to proceed on with the hearing.  I hear the pseudo-sanctuary is wants to reach a "deal" with the USDA.  Should be interesting to see if they are successful or not.  I guess the first step towards this "deal" is to open the non-regulated property to inspectors.  This is a good first step for the animals!

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