Printing Blog Not Allowed Texas Animal Sanctuary Underworld: War of the Directors

June 14, 2009

War of the Directors

War has been declared! Due to the marital discord between the two directors, it appears the female director did not go to the Austin motorcycle rally after all. It is unknown whether or not the male director attended with his girlfriend whom he has been dating for over three years. The directors continue to avoid each other, communicating mainly by text messages and emails. I heard the office has become a war zone when both directors are present.

I learned the $379k check arrived, and just in time too, as the board of directors were told the sanctuary's saving account was at $200k and the checking account was at $179k. That means both accounts were down to zero prior to the arrival of the check. I learned several companies are sitting on sanctuary's IOUs that are more than 60 days old so I imagine the recently acquired funds will help pay off some of these bills. I learned the sanctuary's VP is upset that the monies will not be set aside for a contingency fund, but instead will be spent right away.

The sanctuary's VP tries to "lay down the law," but failed miserably when female director said "no."

Sadly, the VP has no clue how much in debt the facility is in right now as donations are not coming in as they used to due to the country's financial downturn.

I also learned the VP wants to hold a special board meeting to discuss the sanctuary's personnel personal problems (gee is he talking about the directors not playing nice together??) and the sanctuary's financial state. Unfortunately, the VP will never know the truth of what is happening in Texas, seeing how he lives in Florida! He can only go by what the directors tell him. Something tells me this meeting will never happen.

Meanwhile, the female director continues to take days off, usually Mondays, despite the organization's financial problems. The director's oldest daughter is starting to take on more responsibilities of running the organization, since both directors continue to come and go whenever they please, and yet continue to receive monthly paychecks for doing very little work. It seems the people doing the most work are the animal caretakers. Speaking of which, a new caretaker started a few months ago. She told a tour she wanted a career in investigating animal cruelty cases. One of the folks on tour told her she was working at the right place. The comment was totally lost on this young, inexperienced animal caretaker.  Sigh.

Meanwhile, we now have proof that the director used sanctuary funds to pay for her MONTH-long vacation at the Texas coast.    Notice how the director paid herself seven (7) salaries for the month of May which came to $6,270.95!  Wow!  That's a lot of animal money spent on the director so she could have a comfortable and fun vacation at the coast, while the animals slowly died at the so-called sanctuary.  You cannot tell me that the board of directors did not know that she was partying in Port A for a month on the animals' dime!  This is outrageous!

Proof C. Asvestas Used WAO Funds for Personal Use (Director's personal account showing her debits and credits)

With the weather temperatures soaring over 100 degrees, I am worried that many of the animals may not survive the summer. Only time will tell. Meanwhile, the war of the directors continues...