Printing Blog Not Allowed Texas Animal Sanctuary Underworld: Merry Christmas

December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas Everyone!

As this is a very special day, I will keep this blog very short. First, I want to thank each and every person who took time out of their busy lives to help me help the animals. Especially those individuals, living outside Texas, wanting to help save the remaining animals at the pseudo-sanctuary. It just goes to show, there are no state boundaries when it comes to helping animals in need.

On a quick and yet sad note, I just learned the pseudo-sanctuary once possessed 24 chimpanzees back in 2000. As of December 2006, there were only 18 chimpanzees alive. In June 2006, the pseudo-sanctuary claimed to have 22 chimpanzees (one allegedly died from old age and the other one died from an untreated wound). Of course, their own in-house animal death report showed an additional chimp death (cause supposedly unknown), but gee, the pseudo-sanctuary wouldn't want this information to come out, now would they? By December 2006, the pseudo-sanctuary's veterinarian claimed there were only 18 chimpanzees on the property. That means within a six month period, the sanctuary lost 18% of its chimpanzee population and from 2000-2006, the same facility lost 25% of its chimpanzee’s population. What is even scarier, last month, one of the animal caretaker said they [pseudo-sanctuary] may only have about 10 chimpanzees - but he wasn't sure on the exact number!

Despite this grim news, I am optimistic that the remaining animals will get the help they desperately need. So, again, I thank each and every one of you (and you know who you are!) for standing up the animals -- our case has been heard by the Federal and State authorities -- now we just have to wait to see what happens next.

Much later:  According to the WAO Animal Inventory dated August 25, 2010, only 16 chimps survived.