Printing Blog Not Allowed Texas Animal Sanctuary Underworld: Haven on Earth

December 3, 2007

Haven on Earth

The following is an exert from a blog on found on-line with my comments in red!  See what I'm up against?!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Haven on Earth

... I interviewed Carol Asvestas and she told me that there are two facilities. The other location on Tally Rd., houses 450 wild animals. She said that they do not have any volunteers due to liability issues. They do however, use court appointed community service volunteers. These workers help maintain the grounds under supervision and instruction and also build structures as needed. The organization relies solely on donations. The veterinarians do not donate their time but do offer their services at a reduced rate and are on call 24/7.  Plus they clean the director's house, constructed the daughter's apartment, worked on personal projects for the director's etc.

I asked her if there has ever been an escape. She said there was a tiger cub about five years ago who got out. It wasn’t officially an “escapee” because a visitor let it out. It was eventually recovered. I asked her if there was a danger of any infected animals escaping since their location is in close proximity to a residential area. She said that there wasn’t a possibility of that ever occurring.  Wow, have we forgotten about the escaped tiger (was on the news) and Hannah the lion (shot multiple times by Deputy Sheriff officers)?  What about all the primates that escaped their enclosures?  The foxes? And the cougar found wondering around the touring facility grounds? Wolves that were shot and killed when caught escaping the second property? I guess the mind is the first to go!

I asked her if any animals are ever rehabilitated for release to the wild. She said none of the animals are ever released back to the wild because their defense mechanism has become unlearned. They would perish. They become lifetime residents to live out the remainder of their life. The organization is contacted by agencies who have come in possession of wild animals and need to find a home for them. The rescue facility has to pay for expenses for retrieval of these wild animals. They are called from many states. Some of the animals have been rescued from abusive situations, the entertainment industry, roadside zoos, and some have been involved in breeding and rescued. Some have been used in labs and are retired from lab/research testing facilities or are old pets. Most (80%) are in critical condition and in poor health upon arrival and fortunately have a remarkable recovery rate.  Really?  80% arrive in "critical condition?"  Remember, critical condition means "near death."  Got any vet medical reports to substantiate this claim?  No??  I thought not.

I posed the delicate question about the horrible allegations brought up by their organization's former vice president Kristina Brunner. Carol Asvestas said that this disgruntled employee went after people that had had animals formerly confiscated from their abusive or negligent care. She conspired with these people and formed a website to personally attack her. Carol Asvestas said, “What led to her dismissal on this particular occasion, was Ms. Brunners entered an infected area without protective equipment. I told her to get out and she became confrontational, and was dismissed“. Further more she stated,” If we’re such a bad organization, people wouldn’t be coming to this so called Hell Hole”.  Yeah, you just stick with that fantasy story, Ms. Director.  I believe knowingly telling false statements against my person in the hopes of discrediting my account as to what truly transpired at the facility is called SLANDER! 

According to an article on the website, US Animal Protection .ORG., Ms. Brunner states that the poor conditions and negligence of monkeys, resulting with at least five of them consequently freezing to death, was her reason for leaving. Since leaving her position, Ms. Brunner has filed numerous complaints against the WAO.  And yet despite instructions from the USDA/APHIS, the directors still refuse to provide heat for ALL the primates!

Reportedly both the state (TCEQ) Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and the (USDA) United States Department of Agriculture have the (WAO) under pending- investigation charges. The TCEQ has two sites under investigation concerning the burial remains of potentially infected animals, without proper permits. A trouble shooter for WOAI, Tanji Patton , obtained a letter from WAO to the state that the orphanage had relocated remains from a site that had been in a"potential flood plain", to a permitted landfill. Still other allegations from the San Antonio Lightning are allegations of pot- bellied pigs gone missing and the burial of pit-bulls who although euthanized, and bodies still warm, may have been buried alive. These proposed charges are still under investigation. You draw your own conclusions.  Hey, how about pulling the open records documents from all agencies concerned, read them, and then draw your own conclusions!

I recommend that if you get a chance to visit this fine refuge, you will find it enjoyable, memorable and well worth your time. For those of you who do not know, they do have house cats up for adoption.  Please adopt a kitty before he/she is either euthanized or tossed away at the second non-inspected site to fend for itself!!