Printing Blog Not Allowed Texas Animal Sanctuary Underworld: And the Drama Continues...

December 22, 2007

And the Drama Continues...

Just when I thought I couldn't be surprised by anything the pseudo animal sanctuary's directors or board of directors said or did, I learned several things, just this month, that made me wonder how the government continues to allow them access to the sanctuary's finances. Cases in point:

The pseudo sanctuary continues to hire criminals onto its staff and their board of directors! How does one qualify to be employed or join the board of directors at this sanctuary? Easy - just have a DUI, drugs, or assault criminal record(s) on file and you are in!!! Just ask the pseudo sanctuary's newest board member.

During a nine month period, the pseudo sanctuary gave both it's directors a hefty pay raise. If the sanctuary pays its directors the same monthly pay rate for the last three months of this year, then the sanctuary would have given its directors a 150% raise over the previous year! Can you believe it--a 150% pay raise for both directors while in the mist of a huge investigation for misappropriation of funds and animal abuse?

The pseudo sanctuary failed to pay county taxes and so the county filed suit against the sanctuary this year. Okay. The directors can give themselves huge pay raises, but they cannot pay off the sanctuary's taxes owed to the county (which by the way was significantly less than the pay raises paid to the directors). What is wrong with this picture? What other bills were not paid during this year? Animal feed? Vet care? Hello AG? Where are you???

Folks, we got it on tape - the pseudo sanctuary only has 4 animal caretakers supposedly caring for about 600 animals. I say "supposedly" because the pseudo sanctuary keeps changing its numbers -- depending on when you ask, the number of animals at both facilities ranges from 600-800 animals. Even so, that means each of the four employees is responsible for approximately 150 animals, housed over a combined total of 108+ acres. And yet, somehow, all the animals are supposedly fed (either meat or dog food, depending upon the species); cages cleaned; water bowels and water lines checked; medication given (oh sure); animals checked for injuries (or deaths); and tours given to the public — all with just four people during an eight hour period. So what happens if someone needs to take some time off? Go on a vacation? Take a sick day? I guess that means there are "usually" four people taking care of these animals — as the sanctuary's tour guide was quoted saying just this month. I should note, this pseudo sanctuary's web site claims the office staff performs double duty. The sanctuary claims not only does their office staff answers the phones; collects funds from tours; handles all incoming mail; performs data entry and secretarial duties -- they also perform animal caretaker duties!! All for about a salary a few dollars higher than minimum wage!! Versatile workers, wouldn't you agree!

So, with just a couple of days before Christmas, I pray the government will wake up and take this case seriously before the “directors” skip out of town, leaving the animals with a lot of unpaid bills.

"Let us not be content to wait and see what will happen, but give us the determination to make the right things happen." Peter Marshall