Printing Blog Not Allowed Texas Animal Sanctuary Underworld: Two Possible Petitons, So Little Time

May 1, 2009

Two Possible Petitons, So Little Time

It has been a rather slow week news wise. The most news worthy information I have so far is I found a petition on the Internet pertaining to the pseudo-sanctuary. The petitioner used to be an employee of the "sanctuary" and she is asking folks to sign the petition requesting the sanctuary's directors be removed else the sanctuary be closed.

While I am not for closing the sanctuary, as this would probably result in the destruction of the majestic animals, I do support the removal of the board of directors and replace it with people who actually care about the animals and will spend the sanctuary's money wisely.

Sadly, if this place is closed down, there really is no place to send the animals. Zoos will not take them and other credible sanctuaries are already having trouble raising money during this economic down turn, that taking in more animals, building new enclosures, and having to raise more money for food and vet care would just be too much of a burden.

So the solution is NOT to close this place down, but to remove the current board of directors and for the OAG to take receivership of the property and install a new board of directors and operating manager.

The OAG and the USDA must be aware of all the Texas residents that want a win-win solution for the animals. While petitions do not sway government agencies, it does heighten awareness of the problem to the general public. Perhaps someone will see this petition and decide not to send their animals to the "pseudo-sanctuary." Also, the more people that write the OAG and USDA, requesting no sweetheart deals for the "pseudo-sanctuary's" board of director, the better!

In any case, I have sent the petition out to a lot of animal groups, friends, and family members, requesting their help in getting out the word. Texas and California has a strong showing in the petition, along with France and Greece. I found the petition posted on two different French web sites--ooh la la...

In any case, the OAG will only be interested in the postings from Texas, for obvious reasons. I just hope the petition meets it 2000 signing goal before the OAG meets with the "sanctuary's" attorney in a few weeks.

On a different note, but relating to petitions...

While I don't like to dwell in gossip, I have to admit this piece of news could have a significant impact on the "pseudo-sanctuary." Turns out the "happy couple" is not so happy after all. Apparently the directors are splitting up...yet again. It sounds like the directors are unable to work together and so they communicate with each other via text messages and email. Strange, very strange--if all true. Only time will tell if another divorce petition is filed with the County Clerk's Office.

Soo many petitions, so little time.

Much, much later...

One of the organizations we reached out to was the Animal Defense League.  I called them. I emailed them. No response.  My friend in California had just a wee bit more luck than I at getting a response from ADL.  Sadly, her pleas, like my own, were ignored.  Another animal group that refused to save the lives of so many that needed help.