Printing Blog Not Allowed Texas Animal Sanctuary Underworld: The Team Saves More Lives Today

May 6, 2009

The Team Saves More Lives Today

Excellent news! We received word that a Las Vegas illusionist was thinking about retiring his tigers at the pseudo-sanctuary. After a lot of research, I was able to track down, and with the help of an animal cruelty investigator, contact the illusionist before he made any irreversible moving plans. He was provided several links, to include the Petition, Rexano, and YouTube web pages, so he could make an informed decision as to where he should place his animals. Needless to say, after he read the material, the illusionist decided not to relocate his tigers--instead he has decided to keep his tigers at home!

What the illusionist does not know is that he probably saved another tiger's life at the pseudo-sanctuary by not relocating his tigers to Texas. Since there is only one cage open at the touring facility (due to the death of Tag and Rumby), another cage would have to open up--either Bubba, Zesus, or Lulu would have to "go," so as to accommodate the new arrivals.

The tigers could not have been saved without the combined efforts of several people, who probably will never know what their efforts accomplished this day. Regardless, I must say "Well done, Team!!" Lives were saved today!! So, the type of animals saved this year and last year thus far are non-human primates, a bear, and tigers. Now that's progress...

'The evidence of God's presence far outweighs
the proof of His absence.'