Printing Blog Not Allowed Texas Animal Sanctuary Underworld: May 2009

May 27, 2009

Animals, Director, and Vet Are MIA

Well, I'm glad I left the last blog update on a positive note, because sadly, this update is not so positive.

This weekend, a tour went in to check on the pseudo-sanctuary's touring animals. I was devastated to learn the cougar population declined from 14 cougars in January 2009 to 8 cougars today.

Two more tigers were no longer on tour and since the tour guide was new, it was impossible to learn the fate of these animals. The Arctic fox was gone too.

The tour observed the Lehman primates suffering from open wounds at the base of their tails and very red private areas. It looked like the primates were suffering from a severe rash or infection. Right in front of the tour, one of the primates urinated blood. The tour was shocked by the bloody urine, but the tour guide did not seem surprised. She never called the incident in to the office, rather she seemed more intent in moving the tour along to the next exhibit.

There was one wolf puppy on tour, living in a temporary make-shift cage and the tour guide stated the animal came from a "breeder." Supposedly, the animal is 90% wolf. Any logical person would ask, why would a breeder just give the pseudo-sanctuary a wolf pup for free? Where is the profit in that??

And finally, the pseudo-sanctuary has lowered its big cats' life expectancy at the facility from 18-26 years to 15-18 years. Very scary indeed since some of the older animals are approaching 15 years.

So, while this is all going on, the pseudo-sanctuary's female director is still on vacation instead of raising funds for the animals' care. And where is the pseudo-sanctuary's vet?? She also appears to be MIA...

May 16, 2009

It's a Wonderful World

The weather has been unbelievably hot for the last few days, which needless to say, has me concerned for the health and welfare of the "pseudo-sanctuary's" animals.

The female director (and possibly her spouse on a separate trip) took another week-long vacation (out of town of course) at a time when funds are extremely low at the "sanctuary." Instead of planning fundraisers and preparing grant requests, the female director is out spending more money--no doubt at the expense of the animals. It is my understanding the "sanctuary's" bills are stacking up, some up to 90 days or more overdue.

The "pseudo-sanctuary" is expecting a large donation from California in the approximate amount of $380K. No doubt the directors plan to pay all their overdue bills with this payment. After that, where will the money come from to pay all remaining month's incoming bills for 2009? Will the directors take a pay cut or will they, once again, cut animal care costs?

In the meantime, their 2008 990 will once again be submitted late to the IRS. 990's are due on May 15, 2009 to the IRS -- but something tells me the report will not be submitted for several more months...

Wanting to end this blog on a positive note, I've included a video sent to me by a friend - enjoy!

May 9, 2009

Horse Thieves!

Not many people know about Ron and Carol's earlier ventures in the animal business.  For instance, did you know they started a sanctuary called the 'Horse Sanctuary' before they started 'The Wild Animal Orphanage'?  And that they allegedly stole a colt and then sold him to an unsuspected buyer?  No?  Then read on...

This file is over 20 years old, a little hard to read, so you will have to click on "Full Screen" in order to read each page.

Deputy Constable Statement 1 describing the event:

Carol Asvestas Photo

Ron Asvestas Photo

Horse Payment Check Cashed By Carol Asvestas

Ron and Carol Asvestas obtained the assumed (business) name 'The Horse Sanctuary' from the Bexar County Clerk's Office on March 3, 1986 under the opposite name of SA Wild Life Emergency Center (which is now known as the WAO).  Why the DA's Office chose not to prosecute, I do not know (and it was not due to lack of evidence!).  I do know that if the case had been prosecuted, perhaps the arrests would have derailed the creation of the Wild Animal Orphanage.

While this horse theft case ended happily for the owner, it does leave one question unanswered -- how often did the Asvestas perform this scam of stealing colts and then selling them to unsuspecting buyers?  How many thefts were never reported and how many horses were never recovered? 

Horse Sanctuary Records -Horse Sanctuary Acquisition Listing (7 pages)

It appears the Asvestas have been in the animal scam business for over 20 years.  I guess some thing things never change...

May 8, 2009

The Ugly Early Years

All non-profits have their early years—some are proud to show off how they started and others would rather you did not know their ugly history. The pseudo-sanctuary definitely falls under the latter.

As you review the text and pictures, keep in mind the pseudo-sanctuary was founded in 1983. Also, for the eagle eyes out there, can you spot the beer can seen in one of the pictures below?

Below was a statement made to local law enforcement officers on February 15, 1988 by a concerned citizen. I have included some of the pictures she attached to her complaint and exerts from her submitted statement – names of both parties were omitted:

“I am hereby filling out and signing a complaint against [female pseudo-sanctuary director].

The residence where I first saw animals (exotic animals) was located on [omitted] Road between [omitted] + [omitted] Rd. It ran parallel to [omitted]. This residence is closer to [omitted] than [omitted]. I do not know the street number so I have drawn a map. While driving home on Dec 23rd 1987 I realized the animals I had been catching glimpses of (from [omitted]) were not large dogs but bears. My curiosity got the better of me and so Dec 27, 1987, I stopped at the house and asked about the animals. The guy that answered told me to call back later and ask for [omitted]. I did and ended up later on that day stopping by and getting a closer look at the animals. There were fifteen in all. They were as follows: 1 monkey; 2 Bobcats; 2 cougars; 1 AF Lion; 1 black bear; 2 Himalayan (Sun) Bears; 3 full-bred Timber Wolves; and 3 (1/2 breed) wolf hybrids. 2 of these are ½ timber/Female the 3rd hybrid is 5/16 artic/male. I have included in this complaint a map and approx sizing + placement of the cages and animals, at the old residence of [omitted].
My observations of the animals and their cages that first time seeing them (Dec 27) was; I was appalled. These animals cages reeked of feces, urine and rotting meat + food. Their cages were inadequate for their size. Some barely had room to really turn around in. I didn’t say much to [omitted] Dec 27 – I really didn’t know what to say. I found it unusual to find such animals that close to settled subdivisions and that one person owned them. I didn’t voice any opinion to [omitted] as I was on her property and she did own the animals (she said) I did stop by once or twice thereafter, I couldn’t get them (the animals) out of my mind. Then on the 3rd or 4th of January I realized that nobody was living in the house where the animals were. All that week I just kept an eye on the place and on Jan 9 I stopped by when I saw cars there and asked [omitted] if I could take pictures. She said sure. My husband was with me that time. I went back and started taking photos when I reached the wolf cage I noticed that the only pure white wolf in the cage had a mangled ear. The ear was hanging limply on the side of his head. It looked like a severe gash or cut in the part closest to the top of his skull. It was (the ear) covered with dirt and clotted blood. When [omitted] saw me looking at the ear, she said – “I let her out of exercise and she (the wolf) had gotten into the ½ breed’s cage and they didn’t like it so they got her in the ear.”

As an action of what I would like to happen, I don’t think that people who don’t know how to care for or have space (proper space) to maintain these kinds of animals should be allowed to have them. The animals were very wary, thin, had no running or hiding space in those cages. I would call them abused and neglected animals.

On 1-15-88 on the way home from work I stopped at the corner of [omitted] Road South + {omitted] to look at some puppies and the guy mentioned that he had just bought a full blooded wolf from a lady named [omitted] up the road a bit off [omitted]. Then on 1-18-88 when I stopped again he said she had called him and told him the wolf had been poisoned.

On 2-2-88 one of the Hymalayan Sun Bears had escaped and on 2-3-88 she ([omitted]) finally recaptured it. Meanwhile it was very close to a highly developed area of [omitted]. As a P.S. the animals (most of them) stayed on the old property for approx 3 weeks with nobody living in that house. I understand that now all the animals live at the new residence in “temporary” cages. Her new placed is also on [omitted] Road only closer to [omitted] Road.”

I have personally seen animals housed in similar conditions within the last 10 years at the pseudo-sanctuary. New arrivals were often kept in "transporters" housed in the trash/storage area until cage spaces opened up. I have seen cougars, tigers, servals, and domestic cats kept in this condition --which was absolutely heartbreaking.

The directors claim they love animals -- based on their early beginnings as exotic pet owners and breeders, their love for animals clearly does not show in the pictures, nor does it show in the extraordinary number of animal deaths within the last three years at the pseudo-sanctuary. And so the Ugly Years continues...

May 6, 2009

The Team Saves More Lives Today

Excellent news! We received word that a Las Vegas illusionist was thinking about retiring his tigers at the pseudo-sanctuary. After a lot of research, I was able to track down, and with the help of an animal cruelty investigator, contact the illusionist before he made any irreversible moving plans. He was provided several links, to include the Petition, Rexano, and YouTube web pages, so he could make an informed decision as to where he should place his animals. Needless to say, after he read the material, the illusionist decided not to relocate his tigers--instead he has decided to keep his tigers at home!

What the illusionist does not know is that he probably saved another tiger's life at the pseudo-sanctuary by not relocating his tigers to Texas. Since there is only one cage open at the touring facility (due to the death of Tag and Rumby), another cage would have to open up--either Bubba, Zesus, or Lulu would have to "go," so as to accommodate the new arrivals.

The tigers could not have been saved without the combined efforts of several people, who probably will never know what their efforts accomplished this day. Regardless, I must say "Well done, Team!!" Lives were saved today!! So, the type of animals saved this year and last year thus far are non-human primates, a bear, and tigers. Now that's progress...

'The evidence of God's presence far outweighs
the proof of His absence.'

May 1, 2009

Two Possible Petitons, So Little Time

It has been a rather slow week news wise. The most news worthy information I have so far is I found a petition on the Internet pertaining to the pseudo-sanctuary. The petitioner used to be an employee of the "sanctuary" and she is asking folks to sign the petition requesting the sanctuary's directors be removed else the sanctuary be closed.

While I am not for closing the sanctuary, as this would probably result in the destruction of the majestic animals, I do support the removal of the board of directors and replace it with people who actually care about the animals and will spend the sanctuary's money wisely.

Sadly, if this place is closed down, there really is no place to send the animals. Zoos will not take them and other credible sanctuaries are already having trouble raising money during this economic down turn, that taking in more animals, building new enclosures, and having to raise more money for food and vet care would just be too much of a burden.

So the solution is NOT to close this place down, but to remove the current board of directors and for the OAG to take receivership of the property and install a new board of directors and operating manager.

The OAG and the USDA must be aware of all the Texas residents that want a win-win solution for the animals. While petitions do not sway government agencies, it does heighten awareness of the problem to the general public. Perhaps someone will see this petition and decide not to send their animals to the "pseudo-sanctuary." Also, the more people that write the OAG and USDA, requesting no sweetheart deals for the "pseudo-sanctuary's" board of director, the better!

In any case, I have sent the petition out to a lot of animal groups, friends, and family members, requesting their help in getting out the word. Texas and California has a strong showing in the petition, along with France and Greece. I found the petition posted on two different French web sites--ooh la la...

In any case, the OAG will only be interested in the postings from Texas, for obvious reasons. I just hope the petition meets it 2000 signing goal before the OAG meets with the "sanctuary's" attorney in a few weeks.

On a different note, but relating to petitions...

While I don't like to dwell in gossip, I have to admit this piece of news could have a significant impact on the "pseudo-sanctuary." Turns out the "happy couple" is not so happy after all. Apparently the directors are splitting up...yet again. It sounds like the directors are unable to work together and so they communicate with each other via text messages and email. Strange, very strange--if all true. Only time will tell if another divorce petition is filed with the County Clerk's Office.

Soo many petitions, so little time.

Much, much later...

One of the organizations we reached out to was the Animal Defense League.  I called them. I emailed them. No response.  My friend in California had just a wee bit more luck than I at getting a response from ADL.  Sadly, her pleas, like my own, were ignored.  Another animal group that refused to save the lives of so many that needed help.