Printing Blog Not Allowed Texas Animal Sanctuary Underworld: What We're Up Against

March 6, 2009

What We're Up Against

On very few occasions, I receive tips about animals possibly relocating to the pseudo-sanctuary. Thanks to several concerned and dedicated volunteers, previous owners were contacted and advised to "do their homework" and research the facility prior to relocating the animals by contacting the USDA/APHIS or the Texas OAG/Charitable Trust Division. In almost all cases, the former owners had no idea the pseudo-sanctuary was under investigation by the State and Federal agencies.

We try to act on each tip because animal lives are at stake. Instead of receiving words of thanks, we receive strange emails from individuals trying to hide the fact that they almost sent their animals to the pseudo-sanctuary simply because they did not bother to do their homework in researching the facility.

Once such email was from a wolf sanctuary in Florida. This person was more concerned about receiving an unsigned email than the current conditions at the pseudo-sanctuary!
"I like to know whom I am working with or speaking to and it is only common courtesy (as well as professional) to sign a name when claiming to represent an organization. I thank you for doing so and wish you a great day!"
No where in the notification e-mail did the volunteer represent working for an "organization." Instead the person signed off using the email name. Volunteers elect to remain anonymous for fear of threats or retaliation from the pseudo-sanctuary. After the volunteer received a request from this wolf place, requesting information about the person sending the email, the email was forwarded to me so we could respond and explain the situation in hopes we could all work together and help save other animals possible destined to relocate to the pseudo-sanctuary. Instead we received the nasty message printed above.

Nice, real nice. Where was the love and concern for the surviving pseudo-sanctuary's animals? Where was the caring and giving heart AR people were supposed show towards fellow animal rescuers? Where was the "thank-you for advising us about the current situation at the pseudo-sanctuary--we came this close to sending some bears to that place? Keep fighting for the animals!" Yeah, right.

Did we bother to respond to this ridiculous email? Absolutely NOT!! We have no desire to correspond with individuals more concerned about "signing a name" than the health and welfare of animals. This speaks volumes about this so-called "wolf sanctuary."

Meanwhile, I learned the pseudo-sanctuary is "thinking" about sending a tiger, acquired in 2005, to Texas A&M for diagnosis and treatment.

The pseudo-sanctuary's 2006 newsletter claimed enough funds were raised from donors to treat the tiger and construct his new enclosure. Yes, you read right--2006. Three years later, the tiger still does not have his new enclosure and I have serious doubts the tiger will ever travel to A&M because according to the "directors" donations are supposedly down and caring for one tiger may not be financially feasible.

So while the "directors" receive hefty paychecks, the tiger is left to languish in an old cage, not suitable for his physical needs.

Gee, what a surprise. And the joy of this case continues...