Printing Blog Not Allowed Texas Animal Sanctuary Underworld: Louisiana Tigers in Trouble

March 22, 2009

Louisiana Tigers in Trouble

I recently learned the Louisiana tigers, Java, Sabrina, and Savannah, may be in trouble.

Earlier this year, the pseudo-sanctuary claimed in its newsletter the tigers "recently" arrived from Louisiana, when in reality they arrived over a year ago (more lies printed in the newsletter--gee what a surprise). Java was allegedly taken to the non-inspected, non-regulated property and for almost 10 months Sabrina and Savannah lived at the touring facility, until they too were allegedly moved to the non-USDA licensed property.

I learned Savannah is living at the unregulated property and is not doing well. Last week she was very ill and for several days she refused food. Java is reported losing weight despite all the low-cost/low quality chicken pieces fed to her on a regular basis. At this time, I do not know Sabrina's health condition. So, the question is whether or not the pseudo-sanctuary's "vet" is treating the tigers? I wonder if Laura from the ASPCA - National Outreach bothered to check on the Louisiana tigers after they were removed from the touring facility. After all, the ASPCA was instrumental in placing the tigers in the care of the pseudo-sanctuary, shouldn't someone from this organization check on the tigers?

On the financial front, I learned the facility hired the director's oldest daughter to work as the pseudo-sanctuary's bookkeeper! It was my understanding; the Texas Attorney General Office wanted the pseudo-sanctuary to hire a competent bookkeeper to maintain the books. I wonder if this is what they had in mind!

Meanwhile, the pseudo-sanctuary recently updated its website, to include pictures of animals that are no longer living. I'm willing to bet the directors have no idea they posted pictures of dead animals on the website since they do not even know the animals--to them the animals are just their meal tickets.

Please pray for the Louisiana tigers, for they deserve so much better than what they are receiving.

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