Printing Blog Not Allowed Texas Animal Sanctuary Underworld: This is Just Plain Crazy

January 12, 2009

This is Just Plain Crazy

There are days when I just want to SCREAM!!! Today is one of those days [as I quietly scream inside as I type this entry]

In 2006, I contacted a person who ran a small animal rights group, hoping this person could help me with the pseudo-sanctuary animal case. For the first three months, this person (known hence forth as "AR") put me in contact with a lot of individuals, willing to listen to my story. I have to admit, in the beginning it was great--finally there were people willing to listen to my story. Progress was being made.

When I received word that one of the pseudo-sanctuary's chimps was mortally wounded during that same year, I contacted AR and we tried to connect with the USDA, in an attempt to get someone at the USDA to listen to our story. Unfortunately, by the time the USDA investigator checked on the primate, the chimp was already dead. AR kept in contact with me on and off again--mainly off for the last 1 1/2 years.

For the last three years, I have slept, ate, and worked this case until the wee hours of the morning. I have worked with a lot of people--like minded individuals--interested in seeing the pseudo-sanctuary's animals receive the proper care they so richly deserve. It has been, and will always be, a team effort.

Or so I thought until today. AR called me last week and expressed interest in an article found on an on-line newspaper. I gave AR a brief run down of the story, not thinking that what I said would go any further. Surprise! I was wrong... (my first mistake)

Today, the on-line newspaper did a follow-up of the original story, but instead of putting out the 2007 990 financial information as mentioned in the previous teaser post (which would have shown how much the pseudo-sanctuary "directors" made in 2007), I found a letter submitted by AR.

Okay, this was a shock. AR claimed it "recently uncovered information" regarding the six primates from Lehman College (AR claimed the primates came from New York University) sent to the pseudo-sanctuary. AR also claimed for the last 2 1/2 years the group worked "tirelessly" to expose violations at the pseudo-sanctuary. [I'm taking a deep breath at this point.]

AR never "exposed" this primate case--heck, AR would never have known about the details of the case without contacting me! AR also wrote PETA wanted to be kept in the loop regarding this case and that AR "kept PETA well informed" of the animal issues. What??? Since when????

AR originally sent me a draft of what I thought would be a statement sent to just the AR group (after just reading the e-mail, I noticed that the on-line newspaper did indeed received a copy of what appears now appears to be a "first draft" sent to the editor). Thinking that this posting only went to the group, I wasn't too worried about the article. Over the last several months (under a pseudo name) I noticed very few people ever comment on the group's postings as it appears to be geared towards dog and cat rescues. While I did not agree with everything AR wrote in the original article, I honestly did not think it would go very far. I had no idea AR would "modify" [think embellishment] the letter and then send copies of it to the on-line newspaper editor! (my second mistake)

AR never told me the article would show up on the Internet [think Zen thoughts] and now I have people asking me if the case has been damaged based on this open letter on the Internet.

All I can say is...
[screaming silently again because this is all just plain crazy]