Printing Blog Not Allowed Texas Animal Sanctuary Underworld: Sad News to Report

January 28, 2009

Sad News to Report

I received some very sad news today -- Satchimo, a 10-year old tiger (seen on the left) was recently diagnosed as having the early stages of renal failure. Chronic renal failure may have one or more causes--to include poor diet and dental disease. It is my understanding, the pseudo-sanctuary's big cats predominantly live on a "green chicken" diet. During hunting season, the facility usually receives some deer carcasses, but not enough to feed all the big cats at both facilities. Since the facility does not supplement the rotten chicken diet with vitamin and mineral supplements, the cats are at risk of malnutrition. Malnutrition can result in blindness, muscle wastage, and skeletal deformity. Essential minerals, such as calcium, vitamin A and E, should be added to the chicken, but due to cost, the pseudo-sanctuary elected not to give the supplements to the animals. Many of the pseudo-sanctuary tigers appear to have poor skeletal structure (bowed backs) and poor muscle tone as evident by the videos and pictures taken of the animals last year.

The sad news continues--Satchimo's cage mate, Sebastian (tiger on the right), died in December 2008 due to unknown causes. Zena, seen in the middle, is supposedly still alive, living at the unregulated, non-inspected property with Satchimo.

More sad news--this month a tour reported three tigers and one baby cougar missing from the touring property. Molly, a Bengal tiger, was not seen on tour. Molly arrived with her sister, Milly around 2001. Both tigers lived together until Milly died in 2004 allegedly from "renal failure."

Molly was then paired up with Zeus, since Zeus' cage mate, Sherrill, also allegedly died from "renal failure" on or about the same day Milly died. Now Molly is gone and Zeus lives alone. I am scared for Zeus.

On or about February 15, 2008, the pseudo-sanctuary acquired 3 Bengal tigers from Louisiana (2 tigers were acquired from 1 owner living in Jennings, LA and the third tiger was acquired from another owner living in a town near Jennings) named Java, Savannah, and Sabrina. According to the sanctuary's newsletter, Java was a 15-year old tiger and the two other female tigers were four years old. The newsletter claimed Savannah had cataracts and would require special care. There also appeared to be some concern the tigers may have been diabetic and therefore required medical testing.  Sadly, they will NEVER receive health care at the pseudo-sanctuary.

The January 2009 tour reported the Jennings tigers were no longer on tour. I pray they are alive and living at the non-regulated, non-inspected property.

As to the baby cougar, Noel--Noel was acquired in November 2008 at approximately 5-6 months of age. Since the pseudo-sanctuary was not prepared for the cougar, they placed her in an animal transporter and kept her in a building that was supposed to be torn down--at least until the City Building Inspectors arrived looking for the demolition permits (which the pseudo-sanctuary did not obtain and has thus far not received from the City). Past tours told me the building looked like it was in serious disrepair.

The December 2008 tour was told by the tour guide the cougar was living in this "building" and that the pseudo-sanctuary planned to build a special enclosure for the cougar, which would be placed in the cougar "compound" so the other 14 cougars would get to know her. Based on her small size, as seen in the local news cast, I could not believe the cougar would live for months in this small enclosure, until such a time the pseudo-sanctuary deemed the cougar ready for release into the main "compound!" Since many of these cougars have not taken well to new arrivals in the past, it was my opinion this wild-born cougar would not survive its introduction to the other big cats.

When the January 2009 tour asked where Noel was located (the first time), the tour guide responded that they planned to put the baby cougar directly in front of the adult lions and adjacent to the adult cougars. But, according to the tour guide, the pseudo-sanctuary changed its mind because she was too young! The tour guide did not disclose the cougar's whereabouts. So, later into the tour, the question was asked again, where was Noel? The tour guide refused to respond and simply continued on with the tour. So the question is--what happened to Noel?!?

This has truly been a sad day for everyone working on this case... I pray Sebastian is with our Heavenly Father at this time--and I pray everyone will know the truth about what happened to Savannah, Java, Sabrina, and Noel some day soon. These precious animals should not be forgotten.


This is truly a sad day as I just learned that Bam Bam, a bear living at the second property died today.  What is going on at this place?

Lord, please Bless Bam Bam's soul into Heaven forever and ever.  He was loved and he will not be forgotten.