Printing Blog Not Allowed Texas Animal Sanctuary Underworld: Life is Full of Disappointments

November 15, 2008

Life is Full of Disappointments

"Life is full of disappointments" -- a cliché I am certainly well versed with, for this animal case has been nothing but one disappointment after another.

If anyone decides to try and "do the right thing" by reporting to the authorities alleged misappropriation of funds or animal abuse, be prepared for endless heartaches and disappointments.

Case in point:

February 2006, I provided the authorities evidence supporting my allegations of misappropriation of funds and animal abuse resulting in the death of several animals by the pseudo-sanctuary. The evidence was clear, leaving one with very little doubt what was transpiring at this facility. Open records obtained from several agencies revealed serious past and on-going problems at the pseudo-sanctuary.

Sadly, it will be three years from the day I submitted my complaints, and the "directors" still operate as "business as usual." Sure, they are "closely monitored" by several agencies, but what is currently happening to the money and the animals is absolutely horrific.

I tried to get national and local animal organizations involved with saving the pseudo-sanctuary’s animals, but to no avail. For you see, there is no money involved when it comes to saving these Texas animals.

I e-mailed/called:

Humane Society of the United States - what was their response? Please, keep us informed of the situation. In other words - I am not to expect any help from this organization. I guess there is no money or publicity to warrant an investigation into the pseudo-sanctuary by HSUS. Else the simply don't want to go after one of their "own."

International Fund for Animal Welfare - what was their response? They looked into the complaints and found nothing wrong at the pseudo-sanctuary. Oh, and they are sorry I had a bad experience with the facility. No one from this organization wanted to see my evidence or discuss the case with me. Their beloved pseudo-sanctuary partner is under investigation by the USDA/APHIS and the Texas OAG, and yet to this day, IFAW continues to tout this place as a great organization to send animals--this speaks volumes about IFAWs' business practices.

PETA - what was their response? Sure, they know what is going on at the pseudo-sanctuary, but right now they are not interested in taking on another Texas sanctuary case (think PPI). I guess they've done the "Texas-thing" and are no longer interested in making positive changes in this great state.

ASPCA - what was their response? More than one e-mail was sent to the ASPCA and only one person received a response - while the ASPCA is a national organization in many respects, by law, our powers to enforce animal cruelty statutes are limited to the State of New York, you may want to contact the World Society For the Protection of Animals for assistance. Nice, real nice. Let's just pass the buck on this one, shall we?

Voice for Animals (local chapter) - what was their response? The group had heard of similar complaints from others - but when I asked for help, I was shut out completely. This year, the group refused to respond to my pleas for volunteer help in documenting the animals living at the tour facility. I guess they are too busy trying to relocate one elephant than to try and save over 300 exotic wild animals. It's all in the priorities, you see...

Okay folks, let's bottom line this -- these large animal "rescue" organizations are not in the business of helping animals in need at the local level. They are in the business of making money (think cash donations) and making legislative changes (think spay and neuter your pets or California Prop 2). That is why pseudo-sanctuaries are able to get away with the most heinous acts--there is no one looking out for the health and welfare of animals living at these mega-animal warehouses.

As to finding animal rights volunteers willing to help with you with your case--well, good luck in finding one willing to give up an hour on a weekend for your cause without the fanfare of cameras and video equipment. Oh, they are great at sounding off in various forums, such as Yahoo! groups, but to find someone actually willing to do more than type a forum response--well you get the idea. You'd be better off hiring private investigators -- but remember, you get what you pay for and hiring private investigators can be expensive-- normally they get paid by the hour, with a 2-3 hour minimum charge.

There will be times when you feel completely alone in trying to save the animals. Like a roller coaster ride, you will experience some highs (victories for the animals) and lows (frustration in all the delays or not getting anything done because no one will help you). Sadly, there will be a lot more "lows" than "highs" because quiet frankly there is no real support in saving animals that live in mega-animal warehouses called pseudo-sanctuaries. Animal "causes" have become big business and pseudo-sanctuaries don't even make a blip on the radar.

So after writing all this, why do I continue on with this case?

Because it is the right thing to do. Period.