Printing Blog Not Allowed Texas Animal Sanctuary Underworld: An Attitude of Gratitude

November 27, 2008

An Attitude of Gratitude

An attitude of gratitude is important to maintain in the course of any animal investigation. The passing of this Thanksgiving was more difficult than last year because of the devastating news we received last week.

There has been an update on Sabu, the lion that was taken from the touring facility and placed at the non-inspected, non-regulated property. It was reported that Sabu, if not already dead, may be seriously ill and very thin--apparently he is (or was) a mere shell of what he used to look like when he was first brought to the "pseudo-sanctuary" three years ago. The pseudo-sanctuary director claimed when he first disappeared in 2006 that he was taken to the second property so he could live in a "lion pride" established in a large natural enclosure. As suspected back then, Sabu was not living in a "lion pride," but rather it appears Sabu was living with just one small, non-aggressive lioness in a much smaller cage.

We also received word that Princess, Bubba's cage mate, disappeared from the touring facility (presumed dead), and Bubba is extremely thin and may not survive a cold winter since he seems to lack the body fat needed to keep him warm. Bubba is the most warm and loving tiger one could ever have the pleasure of knowing, and despite how thin he looks, he still comes up to tours and greats them with a "gruff."

Another tiger, Athena, may also be missing from the touring property, as she was not seen in her enclosure with Dee Dobbins and Apollo.

Based on pictures and videos I have seen, many of the tigers at the touring facility looked very thin--one could see the "bowing" of the animals' backs, their rear back bones sticking out, and a lot of skin hanging underneath their bodies.

The monkeys, in my opinion, also looked thin and based on what I saw, I am concerned many of them may not survive if the temperature drops below freezing level.

Sadly, we also received a report which alleged monkeys sedated in 100 degree weather last summer (2008) consequently died due improper sedation and that the animal caretakers failed to provide post sedation care. It is further alleged one primate suffered for over 12-hours following the sedation before it finally died the next day. Where were the veterinarians?

Serious questions arose regarding how Princess, Tag, and Tarzan died this year--was it due to improper sedation and post sedation care or did the sanctuary decide to euthanize the animals to make room for new arrivals? What happened to Rumby--Tag's former mate? She was not seen on a recent tour either--was she killed so as to free up "valuable" cage space? Since the tour guide made a point to avoid Mac and Shirley's (tigers), Rumby's (tiger), and Lulu's (tiger) enclosures, one might suspect a cover-up of some sorts. Were the tigers hiding in the back of their enclosures or did the tour guide purposely skip the cages because they were empty? The tour reported empty cages, but until we receive firm confirmation, we are praying that Rumby, Mac, Shirley, and Lulu are okay.

It is times like this when my faith is tested. I keep asking why God would allow these "people" to stay in business. Then I remember that we all have free will and it is up to each and every one of us to stop animal abuse. God has been by my side, every step of the way, helping me get through the days when I learn of another animal death. I know He is caring for the animals that died at the pseudo-sanctuary—for it will only be in Heaven where these animals finally receive the mercy and grace they so richly deserve.

So needless to say, I am grateful for His love and mercy and the strength He gives me to carry on with this case. He sent me the right people at the right time to help me and for that I am truly grateful. I could not carry on without the wonderful support I received from individuals desiring to save the animals from further harm. So with an attitude of gratitude I press on -

May God bless you and yours on this Thanksgiving Day.