Printing Blog Not Allowed Texas Animal Sanctuary Underworld: A Special Memorial

April 9, 2009

A Special Memorial

This special memorial presentation was created this month to show interested parties just how many recorded animal deaths took place from January 2006 - January 2009.  This presentation does not include all the domestic and farm animals that died during this same period.  I was absolutely heartbroken to see just how many animals died within a three-year period.  May God Bless and Protect the animals' souls in Heaven...

Very soon, the Texas Office of the Attorney General will meet with the pseudo-sanctuary's attorney so as to discuss the proposed AVC (also known as a MOU). Before they sit down with the attorney, I prepared a slide show presentation (see above) for their viewing pleasure which contains the list of animals which allegedly died from January 2006 - January 2009, so the Charitable Trust Division "see" the faces of the deceased. The information was obtained from various sources, all which I believed to be credible. However, if any information shown on this presentation appears to be incorrect, please let me know by clicking on the pencil below this blog update and send me a quick note. 

This same video was sent to the Texas OAG and the USDA. I pray that both agencies keep in mind, when making a "deal" with the pseudo-sanctuary, of all the lives that were lost over a 2 1/2 year period. "Feral" cats deaths were not listed because their deaths are treated like a dead goldfish--tossed in the trash and forgotten--so there is no way to know how many "feral" cats died from 2006-2009. So needless to say, the 75+ animal deaths may be much, much higher.

Sadly, the board of directors were told, during a recent board meeting, to expect more animal deaths this year due to aging animals. The director of the pseudo-sanctuary claimed they had several animals over the age of 20 years. I am only aware of three animals that may be approaching 20 years of age (2 tigers and 1 bear). The majority of the animals, that live at the pseudo-sanctuary, is under 15 years of age.

Since the pseudo-sanctuary is experiencing a significant decline in donations this and last year, I am concerned they may try to eliminate some of its animal "inventory" in order to save money on vet care and animal feed. Therefore, I pray something is done to save the pseudo-sanctuary's animals before its too late.

I am still missing information from 2006 (3rd and 4th quarters) and 2007 (1st - 3rd quarters) and with unsubstantiated additional animal death reported for the 1st quarter of 2009, I fear the number of dead animals will grow much larger before the year's end.  These animals will never be forgotten as they have been memorialized for all to see...Now the question is--will anyone care and do something about this travesty of justice?

It often requires more courage to dare to do right than to fear to do wrong.
-Abraham Lincoln
[Present Day:  I am pleased to report that Sabu and Tarzan did not die in 2009.  An update on these two lions can be found in the "Let Your Heart Take Courage" blog!]