Printing Blog Not Allowed Texas Animal Sanctuary Underworld: Supplemental Civil Investigation Demand (CID)

October 12, 2008

Supplemental Civil Investigation Demand (CID)

The investigation into the pseudo-sanctuary continues with the issuance of two more civil investigative demands (November 2007 and April 2008).

On Friday, I received my Open Records Request package from the Attorney General's Office. I received under 100-pages, and while most of the information was non-informative, there were several pages of information I found very enlightening.

First off, the OAG will not provide any information collected by way of a CID. Since the original CID did not request animal records or board meeting minutes, I thought I'd ask for these records. Turns out, in November 2007 and April 2008, the OAG requested these records and since the fruits of a CID is off limits unless the pseudo-sanctuary releases the records to the public (as if), I am out of luck for the time being .

The OAG did request 24 important files in 2007 and an additional 18 files in 2008. I was pleased to note the OAG requested very specific records, records I know the pseudo-sanctuary did not maintain while I was VP/Treasurer/Volunteer.

Also of interest, the Office tried to reconcile the pseudo-sanctuary's 2006 general ledger, and ended up giving up "after not being able to tie much of anything" and requesting the sanctuary's CPA to "explain all of the numbers."

Apparently the Board Chairperson is getting tired of OAG's investigation for her certified letter from the Office was "return to shipper, Reason for return: Receiver did not want, refused delivery." When confronted with this action, the board chairperson claimed "this is not the first time I have not received our mailings. If you would please change all your records to my PO Box address this should insure I get everything you send me." I don't believe the OAG bought this story because an e-mail sent to the pseudo-sanctuary's attorney said:
"If true, (1) this is the first notice ever received by the Attorney General's office from [boardchair person' name omitted] and (2) no explanation is provided why the Attorney General's office was not previously notified."
So, a meeting between the pseudo-sanctuary was supposed to take place on April 29, 2008 to collect the April 2008 CID material. But surprise, surprise, the pseudo-sanctuary's director became ill and its attorney was hospitalized (all of this took place one week before the scheduled visit). According to the e-mail notifying the OAG the pseudo-director "is very ill and can't gather the required information until such time as she feels well enough to do so." Question is, why can't her staff put together the required documents? Could it be that they don't exist??

In any case, the attorney was back at his desk on May 1, 2008 and the pseudo-director was still MIA. So the OAG tried to reschedule the meeting for June 5th, at 9:00am, but with little success. Finally, 90+ days later, the OAG and the pseudo-sanctuary finally met. Unfortunately, there is no mention in the records as to the outcome of the meeting, but I can't imagine it went for the full three days since the directors did not keep meticulous records--unless of course during the 90+ day "delay" the records were manufactured...hmmm, this would not surprise me in the least!!

More to come on the CID in the next posting...