Printing Blog Not Allowed Texas Animal Sanctuary Underworld: $$ Chi-ching $$

March 9, 2008

$$ Chi-ching $$

Show me the money!

Normally, when someone receives a substantial pay raise, it is due to a legitimate business reason. For example, if the job is in high demand (i.e. medical), then the salary tends to rise to meet the demand. Or, if an employee is doing such a truly ground breaking, revolutionary type of work, then a significant pay raise may be warranted to ensure the employee remains with that particular organization (i.e. scientists).

I think we can all agree we would love to have a significant pay increase for just doing our current jobs, right? Generally, employees reason a 2-10% pay increase for merit, promotion, or cost of living.

But not at the pseudo sanctuary! Why, the directors, which are currently under investigation for misappropriation of funds and violations of the Animal Welfare Act, gave themselves over 140+% salary increases in 2007.

Did the pseudo directors' work suddenly double in size? No. Are they performing ground-breaking, revolutionary type of work? No. Were they underpaid in 2006 (both made over $51k each)? No. Did their job duties change significantly to warrant this pay increase? No. Are they doing such a wonderful job that the Board of Directors thought they should be rewarded with this HUGE pay increase? (Okay, I'm trying to type this last question with a straight face.) If the answer is YES to the last question, then it just goes to show the board is not legitimate and it continues to be a "puppet" of the directors. So why did one one of the directors receive $72+k and the other one received $79+k?

The investigations are still on-going. Each month additional evidence is submitted to interested parties and yet the directors feel the need to steal from the animals to pay for what? Reward themselves for having to respond to the AG's summons? I can almost hear the directors now - "we needed a pay raise because of all the time and effort we spend responding to the AG's Office." Now, keep in mind, the directors would not have to spend all this time responding to the AG's Office if the pseudo-sanctuary actually was a legitimate. business.'s hard work manufacturing records and making up stories--or so I've heard!

The directors are planning to open a spay and neuter clinic by the end of this year and convert one of the sanctuaries into a dog and cat shelter. This takes money. Where is the money coming from if the directors are raking in the cash for themselves? What is happening to the animals currently living at the two properties? Is their health declining because of the diversion of funds to the directors' pockets?

It should be very interesting to see how much the directors plan to take from the animals' mouths this year -- I'm betting they will give themselves another 140+% salary increase this year? Any takers?