Printing Blog Not Allowed Texas Animal Sanctuary Underworld: Killing Animals for Money

October 7, 2007

Killing Animals for Money

Killing animals for money -- not exactly a new concept, unless the organization happens to be an exotic animal sanctuary and their mission statement happens to claim they provide life long care for abused and abandoned animals at its facility.

So when I learned this so-called "sanctuary" killed dogs and cats, with the help of a Texas "SPCA" facility, and buried them on the sanctuary's property, all for money of course, you can imagine my horror and absolute disgust.

In January 2005, a large number of pit bulls were secretly housed on the sanctuary's property. These dogs were removed from a dog fighting ring by the "SPCA" and housed for two weeks on the property before they were quickly killed and buried. There was talk among the workers that the animals were killed and buried so fast that all the animals may not have been dead when tossed into the animal pits. How much did this organization receive from the "SPCA" for this horrific deed? About $5,000, the sanctuary's director told an on-line news editor, for the use of the building and the land.

The "SPCA" also housed a couple of hundred cats, taken from a pet retirement center, at this same animal sanctuary. Not all the cats were reunited with their former owners or adopted out to the public. Many cats were also killed and allegedly buried at the sanctuary's property -- again supposedly for a large sum of money. As an interesting side note, this "SPCA" claims to be working towards becoming a "no-kill" shelter. I guess they can now make this claim since the animals were not killed on their property, but rather the property of a "pseudo-sanctuary" willing to kill and bury the animals on their own land--for a tidy sum, of course.

The animal sanctuary also received a LOT of money from corporations and private donors for the "hurricane cats" housed at its facility. Sadly, many of the hurricane cats were tossed onto the sanctuary's large second property with very little food or water, and expected to fend for themselves as "feral cats." A large number of cats were taken to the "SPCA" and were promptly "euthanized." Another large number of cats contracted a very infectious disease and died an absolutely horrible death, for blood was seen coming out of the eyes and noses of the sick animals. The remaining cats that survived all this were prompted shipped off to other animal sanctuaries throughout Texas.

Sadly, this organization has been operating for 17+ years without any oversight. God only knows what other horror stories about this "sanctuary" will be revealed in time...