Printing Blog Not Allowed Texas Animal Sanctuary Underworld: And the Nightmare Continues...

October 21, 2007

And the Nightmare Continues...

Yes, indeed the nightmare continues. Yesterday I learned two more tigers are en route to be housed at the "pseudo-sanctuary." The latest acquisition was made possible by another out-of-state wild animal sanctuary, known for taking in big cats, and funded by a well-known international animal welfare organization, boasting a membership of over two million contributors.

Over a year ago, I contacted this international animal welfare organization, informing the individual in charge of animal rescues and funding, as to the serious problems regarding their favorite "sanctuary." I received a nice letter back, saying "I thank you for bringing your concerns to my attention..." blah, blah, blah. Needless to say, I never heard from him again.

I later learned from an insider the well-known animal organization immediately contacted the animal "sanctuary." I was told the director discredited my allegations by claiming I was a distraught ex-volunteer, angry because I was caught putting my hand in animals cages and was asked to leave the facility by her husband. As if... for you see, I'm one of those rare people who likes her limbs attached to the body!

Anyway, it is quite apparent the international group has no interest what-so-ever to investigate the sanctuary they call one of the best partner animal sanctuaries in the US. I just visited the international organization's web site and found a story about the animal "pseudo-sanctuary" and lo-and-behold, it is filled with a lot of inaccuracies. The web page claims tigers rescued in 2003 were brought to Texas filthy, undernourished, and ridden with diseases. "Several of the tigers have already died." The group's representative laments that it is "absolutely heart-breaking."

I was there the day the animals arrived. A few tigers look a little muddy (and I mean a little muddy) and only one tiger looked thin to me. The rest looked healthy and robust (see above picture depicting one of the thin and diseased ridden "rescued" tigers). I spoke with the vet on-scene and she said they may need to be de-wormed, but other than that, they were fine. NOT disease ridden!! Keep in mind, the animals would not be allowed to travel if they were disease ridden--no vet would issue health certificates for the animals to travel across state lines if they were diseased. As to the tigers' deaths--they were killed, by the workers, starting six months after they arrived in Texas because the workers deemed the tigers to be "too aggressive." Tigers, aggressive--go figure. Even the four baby tigers born at the facility supposedly died due to inexperienced baby tiger care. As to the remaining baby tigers born at the facility, well, no one seems to know what happened to them.

I am appalled to think two million donors are lied to by this international animal organization. The Texas "pseudo-sanctuary" has not been forthcoming to this animal organization, and the animal organization has no desire to learn the truth about their precious Texas "wild animal sanctuary" which they are monetarily supporting.

I also cannot understand why the "out-of-state" sanctuary would involve themselves with the "pseudo-sanctuary" when this group published, on their own blog spot, a report of the "pseudo-sanctuary's" undergoing investigations. I called this out-of-state animal group while they were still on the road, with the animals, and asked the person in charge of "operations" if the two tigers could remain with their group instead of coming to Texas. I was promised a return phone call... Guess what? No call...what a surprise...

Oh, and when I tried to stop the two tigers' relocation to the pseudo-sanctuary by contacting the other animal sanctuary receiving the Ohio animals, I was practically accused of making up allegations against the pseudo-director.  When I suggested, in what turned out to be my last email to the director, that she call me (I provided her my personal home number), I had hoped we could discuss the situation and perhaps she could help me save the pseudo-sanctuary's animals.  I never heard from her again.

Will the nightmare and hypocrisy ever end?

[Present Day:  Here is the email conversation between Carol Baskins (BCR) and myself: It reads from the bottom of this blog to this point]

From: BigCatRescue
To: Kristina Brunner
Sent: Tue, October 23, 2007 8:13:35 PM
Subject: RE: Tigers en route to the Wild Animal Orphanage

Dear Kristina,

I have never applied for a Freedom of Information Act from APHIS. Can you direct me to the page or link?

I just now read through the documents you sent and find them disturbing if they are authentic. The notion of killing a tiger because it acts like a tiger is inconceivable to me.

Having 73 animals die in a four year period seems extreme as well, but I don’t know how many animals are housed there and thus do not know the percentage of attrition that would indicate. We lose about 4-6 cats each year, but most of them are in their late teens and early twenties. There was nothing in the documentation that indicates the ages of the animals. I do know that USDA requires that when animals are housed together they must be in compatible groups and when so many are dying in these groups it would seem that is an indication that they aren’t compatible.

Having 21 animals born at a sanctuary in 4 years seems to defy the definition of a sanctuary, but I have no way of knowing if these animals arrived pregnant, or what procedures are used to ensure that no breeding occurs at the facility. Rescuing 36 animals while others are still living in quarantine also seems counter productive, but I don’t know if it was because housing for those specific types of animals was available where it wasn’t for the ones who were awaiting better facilities. Can you tell me what the quarantine areas and temporary holding cages are like as far as size and construction for the big cats? I wouldn’t know anything about other animal’s needs than cats.

Why would animals be transferred from Talley to Leslie? I could understand sending animals off exhibit, but don’t understand what the reasoning may have been for moving animals in the other direction when it appeared to me that the Leslie Road property was over crowded already. In talking with Carol a couple years back while we were there, she seemed to be wanting to move the cats, especially, out to the larger acreage. Have you seen the set up on Talley Road ? Can you describe the way the cats are housed there?

One of our former volunteers took our in house records from 1993, doctored them up to fit her agenda (and not very cleverly, I might add) and then passed them off as having come from USDA’s office. She whited out the dates and convinced one reporter that they indicated our current records were inaccurate because the names didn’t match. The names didn’t match exactly because the cats we had in 2006 were not all the same cats who were here in 1993, although a lot of them were, and if you have been a volunteer for 10 years you know that a lot of names occur over and over, like Simba and Cleo-catra and Bob (the bobcat…how original) but the reporter wasn’t experienced enough to know and didn’t give me the opportunity to show her any different. As a result there was one bad story aired about us, by one stupid reporter, and all of our enemies post it all over the Internet as their only source of validation. The only reason I mention this is because I know that you can’t take something at face value unless it is of public record or has corroborating evidence.

It appears the list of animals born, rescued, transferred, killed or who died was sent by someone named Mary to Carol and on its face is very disturbing, but how can you prove that this is the actual attachment or that Mary wasn’t someone like my former volunteer who created a document to email to Carol so that she could then pass it around as being something other than what it is. I don’t mean to be overly cynical, but I know how stuff like that happens. Was this given to the IFAW people and USDA?

It would appear that you attempted to be forthright in your emergency meeting of the board and your suggestions seemed reasonable. Again, I am assuming that this was the actual context of the meeting, based upon what you supplied. It appears that none of your motions were discussed or voted on. Were they heard at all? If so, what happened next? It seemed that your information had come from a volunteer or volunteers and I wonder if that person is still there and still able to let you know what is happening and if not, what happened to them? Could they have had any reason to give you inaccurate information? You said the meeting was taped. Was this shared with IFAW, USDA or the state department in charge of charitable regulation?

As I sleep on this, I am sure other questions will arise. Thank you for your time in getting to the heart of this.

For the cats,

Carole Baskin, CEO of Big Cat Rescue
an Educational Sanctuary home
to more than 100 big cats
12802 Easy Street Tampa , FL 33625
813.493.4564 fax 885.4457


From: Kristina Brunner
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2007 10:23 AM
Subject: RE: Tigers en route to the Wild Animal Orphanage

Dear Ms. Baskins:

Here is the response I received regarding my inquiry to obtain the case number pending litigation:

To: "Kristina Brunner"
Subject: Re: comp 08-029, WAO Fw: 2 Lions 4 Tigers Rescued This Morning by Big Cat Rescue, IFAW and ASUS/WAO
Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2007 08:11:31 -0600

Dear Kristina:

I have checked with a supervisor and you will need to go through FOIA to obtain the case number. Please be sure to include details in your request so that the FOIA office can provide you with the correct information.

Linda L. Kovar, ILA

I will be submitting an FOIA request to obtain this information. My last FOIA request to USDA/APHIS took 4 months - so you may wish to submit your own request as well!

Kind Regards,

Kristina Brunner

BigCatRescue wrote:

Dear Kristina,

The tigers that went to WAO are Sierra who is white and born March 3, 2007 and Ekaterina who is golden and born April 24, 2000. We do not send cats to other facilities and only recommend that they go to accredited sanctuaries when we cannot take them. What happened in this specific case was unusual in that the Knox County Animal Control had requested of the court that they be awarded possession of the 2 lions and 4 tigers. At the time they knew we would take at least the two lions and they had no other takers for the tigers, so they only listed Big Cat Rescue in their motion as a potential sanctuary for the cats. When the order granted Knox Co. the cats, they were afraid to award them to anyone other than us, since we were the only ones mentioned, so they transferred all six to us. I had contacted all of the accredited sanctuaries and no one would take the four tigers. We decided we could take 2 lions and 2 tigers, but just couldn’t take the last two. The four we were taking had a lot of physical and emotional issues, but Sierra and Ekaterina were younger, healthier and far more friendly toward people. The cats should be in TX already.

IFAW contacted me when they heard about the situation and said they could find placement for the last two tigers and provide transportation of all six cats. I knew they had worked with WAO in the past and I had met Carol and visited her facility in San Antonio . I know Sumner Mathis and while WAO isn’t accredited, the only other option for the cats that came up was Joe Taft. I had been there, been appalled and figured if I had to transfer 2 cats to someone, it would be WAO and not that hell hole. We would love to have taken all six, but it costs us 7500.00 per cat per year to provide proper care and we just couldn’t commit to that unless our donors stepped up to annual commitments for the cats and despite several appeals, it didn’t happen. We are still almost 7000.00 shy of the amount we needed to raise just for the first year of care for the four we did take.

Scott called me, after you called him and said that you had told him there were fines outstanding against WAO and some of the other things you alleged. It was not in my power at the time of your call to cancel the transfer as the cats were already transferred and on Carol’s truck. Since I watch the USDA decisions and had never seen a fine against WAO, I assumed that the rest of what you were saying wasn’t true either. I spend most of my time and energy in trying to stop the trade in exotic cats and as a result the breeders, dealers and exotic pet owners say a LOT of things about me that aren’t true. I know that Carol has been involved in litigation to shut down some of these abusers so I figured she has her own little band of enemies who will say anything to disparage her just like I have mine. The only case number I could find referencing Carol was Docket No. 99-0015. 8/11/99 and I never saw anything come of that. I am no expert as to the ways of the USDA and if you know of a pending case, or outstanding citations, I would like to see them.

Mike Dereadt & Dr. Ramanathan
The vet, Dr. Anand Ramanathan and the PR guy Chris Cutter from IFAW [emphasis added by me] spent the last two days with us and one of the questions he asked me, was if we euthanize animals. We only do it when the animal has no chance at recovery and is suffering, or has lost the will to live. The question made me wonder if the vet knew something about Carol that you had suggested in your conversation with Scott. I told him that we had a call from one person (I didn’t tell him who because I didn’t know your name) and emails from several others, mostly anonymous as these breeders and dealers almost always do, asking us to not send the cats to WAO. He asked if you were one of the people and I told him I didn’t know who had called, but that your name wasn’t one of the emails I had seen. They said that they had heard from you before and had gone in person to check out your claims and found them to be baseless. [Emphasis added by me] If these are not people you contacted personally, then it is possible that not all of your information made it to them. Any large organization like IFAW has to be very careful who they are associated with so I would think that they would want to check out every possible fact. In the absence of fact though, it becomes a judgment call that can only be based on what you know of the people involved.

IFAW said they were aware of some violations cited by USDA, but that Carol was in the process of complying with their requests and they didn’t think any of the outstanding matters was of much concern. The only one mentioned was the requirement that carcasses be incinerated vs buried, but that isn’t a USDA requirement, so I assume it is a state or county policy. [Emphasis added by!  IFAW did not think the USDA violations, like freezing monkeys to death, was much of a "concern" to them.  Disgusting.]

I haven’t heard anyone say anything derogatory about you, other than that you have it in for Carol. [Me again]  Could you copy me with case numbers and evidence? Integrity and accountability are crucial in situations like this and I am concerned that far too many of these cats are discarded, rescued and then disappear off the radar all over the place. I have been building a data base of information over the course of many years to try and get a handle on where the cats originate and where they end up and it has been frustrated by the lack of transparency across the board.

For the cats,

Carole Baskin, CEO of Big Cat Rescue
an Educational Sanctuary home
to more than 100 big cats

12802 Easy Street Tampa , FL 33625
813.493.4564 fax 885.4457

Sign our petition to protect tigers here:


From: Kristina Brunner
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2007 8:14 PM
Subject: Tigers en route to the Wild Animal Orphanage

Dear Ms. Baskin:

My name is Kristina Brunner, from San Antonio , and on Saturday, October 20, 2007 , I contacted Mr. Scott Lope, requesting Big Cat Rescue retain all the animals rescued from Ohio.

I have no doubt the call I made to Mr. Lope, was in retrospect , poor in its timing, since the decision had already been made to transfer the animals to San Antonio, Texas.

I also have no doubt when my name and request was mentioned to IFAW representatives and Ms. Asvestas (president of the Wild Animal Orphanage {WAO}), you received a rather disturbing picture of myself. I have made one attempt to contact IFAW in order to present my findings. Mr. Ian Robinson, June 27, 2006, was the person I contacted and he did not express any interest in helping the animals, so I decided present my findings to those who could help the WAO animals.

As I was not there to comment on what may or may not have been said about me and my request, I am therefore unable, at this time, to provide an adequate defense against the false statements that may have been said to discourage further investigation into the situation. Therefore, after consulting with individuals aware of the on-going WAO investigative cases, I have decided to provide your organization information pertaining to the Wild Animal Orphanage which will substantiate my heart felt desire to see all the Ohio animals remain in Florida. While I realize this is not longer an option, I am hoping your organization will refrain from any future partnership with the WAO.

So, allow me to properly introduce myself again:

My name is Kristina Brunner and I was the Sanctuary of the United States (ASUS), d/b/a Wild Animal Orphanage (WAO), Primate Sanctuary of America (PSA); Chimp Aid; Cat Haven; Feral Cat Rehab Center; Whisker’s and Wag’s Humane Society, f/k/a the National Sanctuary for Retired Research Primates (NSRRP), and f/k/a The San Antonio Wildlife Emergency Centre's, Vice President, Treasurer, and Board Chairperson for approximately 3 years and volunteer animal caretaker for 10+ years. I am an upstanding member of the San Antonio community, working in my chosen career field as a Human Resource professional for the last 21 years.

In 2005, I learned the WAO allegedly violated numerous animal welfare laws and allegedly misappropriated funds obtained from charitable donations from the general public, universities, and corporations. I learned of these violations from visual sightings, statements made by volunteers, WAO workers, local veterinarians, and recorded evidence. My investigation led to filing numerous open records and FOIA requests resulting in my heightened concerns I had regarding the operation of the WAO. As the Vice President and Treasurer, I believed I had a fiduciary responsibility to inform the WAO Board of Directors of my initial findings. Prior to the Emergency Board Meeting, I learned Ms. Asvestas removed my name from the WAO Board of Directors’ web page, so needless to say, the meeting did not go well. I attended the board meeting, presented my findings, and based on the reception I received from the Asvestas’, promptly resigned my positions and left the WAO – never to return. I have the entire meeting on audio tape, which was taped with the approval of all board members.

I filed complaints with the appropriate law enforcement and animal regulatory agencies in 2006. The following information is just a few agencies I contacted regarding my findings:

USDA/APHIS is taking the WAO to court for failing to pay the fines associated with the citations levied against the organization. The case was forwarded to the USDA's Office of General Counsel for formal prosecution via an administrative law hearing. It is my understanding this case may go on for two or more years before it will finally be resolved.

Texas OAG/Charitable Trust allegedly entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with the WAO regarding misappropriation of funds in violation of the Texas Miscellaneous Corporation Laws Act, the Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act, the Texas Business Organizations Code (to the extent it may be applicable), the Texas Deceptive Trade Practices-Consumer Protection Act, and the common law relating to breach of fiduciary duty and other duties relating to non-profit corporations. I'm waiting for the case to close so I can review the MOU by way of the Texas Open Records Act.

Texas Commission of Environmental Quality sent the WAO an order, demanding the number, type, and health condition of the animals buried in the large animal burial pits found by WOAI (local news television) on the WAO's Talley Road property. As of last month, the WAO, has thus far, refused to provide the TCEQ this information. It is in my estimation, based on the animal records I have in my possession, there are hundreds of animals including, dogs, cats, tigers, lions, bears, chimps, non-human primates, servals, jaguars, cougars, and other species that "disappeared" from the public view.

Recently, I learned the SPCA of Dallas entered into a financial agreement, paying the WAO over $5,000 to allow the SPCA of Dallas to kill and bury animals "rescued" by said organization, at the WAO's Tally Road facility. Ms. Asvestas, president and CEO of the WAO, admitted to an on-line local newspaper, she received "about $5,000" for the allowing the SPCA of Dallas to kill and bury approximately 60+ pit bulls on the Talley Road property. Witnesses place Ms. Asvestas at Talley Road during the time the pit bulls were killed and her husband, I was told, operated the backhoe that was used to dig the dogs’ burial pits.

In the course of my investigation, I also learned the WAO allegedly allowed the SPCA of Texas to house, kill and bury scores of the Kendall County "Retirement" cats "rescued" by the SPCA of Dallas, once again, on the WAO's Talley Road property. I have no doubt Ms. Asvestas participated at this killing event as well. I tried to obtain the dollar amount she received for this partnership, but the SPCA of Dallas refused to impart the dollar amount paid to the WAO, for they do not disclose amounts paid to their “vendors.”

Even though these "agreements" took place in 2005, and kept from the WAO's Board of Directors, I cannot help but wonder how many other "agreements" have taken place in the interim between these two supposed animal shelter groups or any other animal shelter. How many more animals were killed and buried at the Talley Road property? I was never allowed to enter the Talley Road property, even as the Vice President and Treasurer of the WAO, unless I was accompanied by Ms. Asvestas, and I was never allowed to leave the main part of the property. Needless to say, I now know why.

I am absolutely appalled that the WAO allowed a "SPCA" to kill and bury animals on the WAO's property. The WAO's mission statement claims "Provide unwanted, abandoned, abused or neglected animals with a quality, humane, natural environment in which they can live out their lives in peace once they are rehabilitated."

I am equally appalled the SPCA of Dallas killed and buried "rescued" animals on WAO property. The SPCA of Dallas' mission statement states in part "The goal to no longer euthanize for space was first proposed in 2000 as a part of a comprehensive five-year plan designed to take the SPCA into the 21st century as a state-of-the-art, cutting-edge animal shelter while remaining more intensely focused on its core mission, to improve the welfare of all animals." I suppose if animals are killed and buried on properties other those owned by the SPCA of Dallas, then there is no need to worry about euthanizing animals at its shelters, thereby making room for new arrivals.

What absolutely stunned me was Ms. Asvestas was making plans in 2005 to open her own dog and cat shelter, called “Whisker’s and Wag’s Humane Society" in 2006.

At this point, I do not know if there is anything your organization can do for the two tigers en route to San Antonio. I simply ask that your organization refrain from recommending any "rescued" animals to be taken to the ASUS/WAO. My goal is simply to protect the animals still living at these two sites and I hope I can count on your cooperation. I do have one request – can you provide me the names of the tigers en route to Texas and when they are expected to arrive in San Antonio ? I would like to provide this additional information to the USDA/APHIS. It is imperative these animals are identified before they enter the unregulated Talley Road property, where it would be easy for the animals to simply “disappear.”

If you have any questions, or require proof of the allegations made herein, please do not hesitate to contact me at xxx-xxx-xxxx for further information/details.

Thank you.

Kind Regards,

Kristina Brunner