Printing Blog Not Allowed Texas Animal Sanctuary Underworld: December 2008

December 25, 2008

Three Years Ago

It is hard to believe the three-year anniversary of when I left the pseudo-sanctuary was about two weeks ago. Now that the case enters its third year, I would like to update the "victory" list from last year:

1. The monkeys were seen eating monkey chow for the first time this month!

2. The USDA/APHIS checked on animals in distress twice this month; and

3. The AG's Office continues to look into the business practices of the pseudo-sanctuary.

Interesting to note, the 2006 990 (tax return) was finally posted to, but the date the IRS indicated receipt of the return was September 2008! Talk about an overdue tax return! No doubt there is a story behind this late posting... So far, the 2007 990 has not been posted to GuideStar, but from what I understand, there is a story behind this tax return. As more information comes available, I will post the findings right away.

In any case, I hope and pray (as I did last year) that this case will come to a close and the animals receive the help they so desperately need. There were so many deaths this year, so I pray the animals can hang on just a little longer. I am just so grateful this Christmas the local temperature was not at or below freezing levels!

So Merry Christmas everyone--and please, pray for the pseudo-sanctuary animals!

[Present Day:  I was going through some old postings and found this article I wrote two years ago on the Internet (it's now December 31, 2010).  Looks like a lot of people read this article:

Animal Planet’s “Growing Up Lion” – Was There a Happy End?
Posted on December 21st, 2008
Read 3,466 times.
Editorial by Anonymous

Animal Planet recently released its five DVD gift, which includes “Growing Up Wildcats”. One of the episode features lions at the Wild Animal Orphanage (WAO) in Texas.

The film critics make you believe that:

“Carol and Ron Asvestas own the Wild Animal Orphanage near San Antonio, Texas, and spent a year raising four lion cubs. Beautiful animals facing their share of joys and challenges, including being sick. But this pride survives.”

And another synopses claims:

“Growing Up Lion”

"Experience a pivotal and emotional year with Carol and Ron Asvestas, owners of Wild Animal Orphanage near San Antonio, Texas, as they raise four lion cubs. There’s Amy, a tiny newborn and three cubs - Rex, Sheba and Leo - babies quickly growing in size, strength and curiosity. Every day brings new joys, adventures and discoveries. The lion cubs also face their share of challenges - from serious illness to natural disasters. But with abundant, tender-loving care from their human family, the cubs embark on a remarkable journey toward the formation of lion cub pride.”

Baby Lion - Rex (Photo taken 2002)
However, the touching story of Rex, Sheba and Leo portrayed in “Growing Up Lion” is just that—a very nice tug-at-your-heart story. Shortly after the film crew left San Antonio, the lion cubs were removed from their large natural enclosure and returned to the property where they were raised. They were placed in a much smaller enclosure where Rex was killed by his cage mates (as documented by the USDA/APHIS on 10-10-06). Jambo, the father of Amy, died under unusual circumstances at the same facility in 2007. Sheba and Leo can be seen on tour at the original site where they were raised along with Sebastian—but the cage they live in now is a far cry from the spacious enclosure shown on “Growing Up Lion.” Amy’s current health status is currently unknown.

"The WAO is under investigation by the USDA/APHIS and the Texas Office of the Attorney General for alleged violations of the Animal Welfare Act and misappropriation of funds for the last 2 ½ years."
Unfortunately, the “Growing Up Lions” remarkable journey ended when the film crew left the property

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Cheetah said,in January 17th, 2009 at 10:44 am I am very distressed to learn of this news. Big cats are indeed my favourite of all exotic animals and while I have enjoyed watching this Animal Planet special on many occasions, I was under the impression that the lion’s care was assured - especially after the show’s filming. We must do all we can to help all exotic animals who are treated so poorly. It breaks my heart to hear of stories like this and hope that it proves indeed to be a rare event.

spy gear said,in August 3rd, 2010 at 9:28 pm I have never something like this.Your post is amazing.
Carol Asvestas lied to a lot of people, including me, on how Rexy died.  Here are just two examples of how Carol lied to anyone inquiring on little Rexy: 
Rex reported death - email 103108

Rex reported death - email 021209

And here is the newsletter appeal that was used to deceive the public by showing Leo picture as Rex's "after" picture!  What a scam! 

Little Rex and Monkey Appeal

How did Rexy really die?

USDA Report on Death of Rex - 112806

You know what is really sad is that the two animal caretakers, Mary & Michelle Reininger, whom told me exactly how Rexy died in December 2005, seemed to have suddenly developed amnesia less than one year later.  Michelle claimed she thought Rex died from an "accident?"  Mary claimed she thought Rex died from a "fight?"  It's really upsets me to learn that Mary & Michelle allegedly provided false statements to the USDA Investigators.  I will learn the truth when this case closes and I will pull FOIA records to see who said what and when.

Ironically, the one person who actually told the truth to the investigators was Carol Asvestas -- "Rex was killed by a cage mate." 

God Bless little Rexy's soul in Heaven...he was absolutely adorable in spirit as well as in body...

December 20, 2008

They Will Never Be Forgotten

I have not blogged for some time because of the very sad news we received recently regarding the health and welfare of the "pseudo-sanctuary's" animals.
  • Bubba, white tiger, was discovered living alone, in the enclosure formerly occupied by Jinx (now missing) and Jambo (died in 2007). He used in live in another enclosure with Princess (Bengal tiger) until this year. Sometime between July 2008 – November 2008, Princess died. Since the pseudo-sanctuary refuses to comment on her cause of death, we believe she may have been “over” tranquilized when an attempt was made to move her into the new enclosure which Bubba now occupies;
  • Athena (Bengal tiger) is also dead. She must have died sometime between July 2008 – November 2008;
  • Casmere, a cougar, is dead. He died in June 2008;
  • Bengal (Bengal tiger) died in June 2008;
  • Dakota (Bengal tiger), we believe died in August 2008—still awaiting confirmation;
  • Khana (Bengal tiger) died in August 2008;
  • Bathmorda, we believe died in November 2008—still awaiting confirmation; and
  • Many primates died in 2008 (various causes of deaths).
I have learned the Board of Directors had no idea the pseudo-sanctuary directors lied to them about their pay raises in 2007. The Board thinks they actually took a pay cut during that year and the directors had the audacity to ask the board for salary reimbursement for the supposed pay cut in 2007 and 2008! It is no wonder why the directors took so long submitting the sanctuary’s 2007 990 tax return to the IRS. The 2007 990 should be interesting reading for this was the year the employees were supposed to be eligible for health care. I’m curious to find out how many employees actually accepted the health care package offered, half of which was employer paid.

On the plus side, the USDA/APHIS acted on complaints regarding the care of Bubba and a gaping slash on one of the primate’s leg. We heard the “pseudo-sanctuary” received violation notices this month from the USDA/AHIS, but at this time we are unable to report their findings. It takes 21 days from the day of the inspection for the reports to become available to the public. Considering I have a FOIA requests pending with the USDA/APHIS for the last three months, I expect I’ll see the official reports in about, oh, six months to a year!! In any case, it was reported the director told the inspector via telephone (she was on vacation out-of-state, oh how nice) that the other primates suffered much larger gashes in the past and have always recovered. Not true!! I witnessed many primates with body gashes and they did not survive. I believe that if it was not for the intervention by the USDA/APHIS, this primate would not have survived. Now the “pseudo-sanctuary” must provide the primate health care.

We also learned the “pseudo-sanctuary” provided monkey chow to the primates instead of dog food! Finally, species specific food is being provided to the monkeys. No doubt this is due to a complaint to the USDA/APHIS that the primates, along with the older tigers, were looking very thin. The concern was the primates would not survive cold winter weather (yes, Texas gets cold winters) with so little body fat.

Bubba and Lance (both tigers) are so thin it makes you cry to watch them move around. The public is now aware of what is happening to the “pseudo-sanctuary” tigers as Bubba’s plight can be seen on the Internet. Bubba, whom has hip problems, was put in enclosure with hard packed ground, with no hay or mulch in his shelter box. After public outcry, Bubba was finally given hay in his shelter box. The Bubba video shows him moving around in a painful manner; turns out he also had in-grown toenails which will finally be removed this month. With the temperature dropping to the 20’s this weekend; the concern is that Bubba may not be able to stay warm due to his lack of body fat. The public and the USDA/APHIS are keeping a close eye on his condition.

Bubba was promised so much by the “pseudo-sanctuary”—a large natural enclosure, special low swimming pool and low shelters. Instead, he is alone, in a cage that does not meet his needs, despite the tens of thousands of dollars raised by the “pseudo-sanctuary” on his behalf. The director even wrote in the 2006 newsletter that enough funds were raised to start building his special enclosure—can you believe it?? TWO years ago!

The tour guide claimed they gave Bubba a plastic child wading pool for his use, but he shredded it. This is an absolute ridiculous claim because no one in their right mind would ever think of putting one of those tiny plastic wading pools in with a full grown tiger! This is the “pseudo-sanctuary’s” way of putting a spin on the whole build-a-special-pool for Bubba issue. The “pseudo-sanctuary” lied to Bubba and they lied to the public.

I am happy to report a recent tour did see Mac, Shirley, and Rumby (all tigers)!

As we receive more updates on Bubba, Lance, the injured monkey, and all the other animals, I will report the finding in this blog. In the meantime, all the animals that recently died will be missed and not forgotten.

December 1, 2008

The Board is Clueless

Recently I learned the pseudo-sanctuary's board of directors is absolutely clueless as to what is happening at the facility. I heard that the board was told that the organization reduced its workforce by six individuals, netting a savings of approximately $3k - $4k per month. Coincidental that just happened to be same amount the directors gave themselves in pay raises in 2007-2008! I guess they figured there were doing more with less, assuming of course, six people were actually let go...

From July - September, the directors did take a pay cut, no doubt on behest of the Texas Attorney General CID questioning their pay raises, especially during an investigation for misappropriation of funds. But the greedy directors were bound and intent in finding a way to take more money away from the animals.

I learned the directors' told the Board that they came up with an estimated report on the cost for storage and animal care at their personal residence. Instead of asking the Board if it was okay to store sanctuary property and animals on their personal site in advance, the directors took it upon themselves to take the pseudo-sanctuary's property, use it, and then keep it on their personal property-- and then demanded retroactive storage payments for storing animals and equipment on their property! They claim they had to vacant their personal residence from March to July 2008 so animals could be stored in their house, forcing them to live in the apartment house located on their property. They wanted reimbursement of their mortgage payments and they wanted heat and air conditioning bills paid during this same period. Oh, and they also want retroactive payments for storing company vehicles and equipment for the last four years on their land! They claim they saved the facility over $50k in outside storage and boarding services!!!

Okay, here is where reality takes a left turn to nowhere. During this same period, the directors supposedly communicated with each other via emails and phones because they could not get along with each other. Divorce paperwork was filed with the courthouse and so the couple lived apart. Last I heard, the adult children still live at the main and apartment house (allegedly paid with WAO funds), so I have a real hard time visioning four people crammed into one living room, a loft, and a bathroom for four months. Especially two people who were clearly not getting along. Also, the "mortgage" was paid off in April 2008, so why are they claiming three months worth of home mortgage payments?

In June 2004, the directors tried to collect money for storing sanctuary property on their land. It was tabled for future consideration, just as the recent board request was tabled for future consideration, while the Board ponders a reasonable payment to give the directors for the so-called personal storage use.

What the board member do not know is that the facility has a large warehouse at their second site. I have a feeling the board members have not toured the closed property, otherwise someone would have asked this simple question -- why don't we use this warehouse to store vehicles and equipment?

Today, the vehicles are stored on the touring site property and can be seen through the locked chain linked fence. This land was not previously used, and could have been an excellent site to store vehicles and equipment in past years. The directors voluntarily kept the pseudo-sanctuary's property, so why should the directors collect a single dime for storage, unless it is to scam more money from the animals' mouths?

Also, it was confirmed that the pseudo-sanctuary killed animals on their properties, using controlled substances, without a veterinarian present. Rather, the veterinarian was informed of the decisions to "euthanize" animals after the fact. This is very disturbing news, considering many animals died or disappeared from the two properties, and new arrivals take their place.

For whatever reason, the board refuses to see what the directors truly are--scam artists--bound and intent on stealing every dollar they can from the animals. This board is not just clueless--this board is simply guilty.