Printing Blog Not Allowed Texas Animal Sanctuary Underworld: September 2008

September 5, 2008

Surplus Shelter Animals Bound for Disaster

Before Hurricane Gustav hit New Orleans, several surplus shelter animals were sent out of state to make room for potential "hurricane" victims. Several Internet sites reported about two dozen cats and dogs were sent to the pseudo-sanctuary.

In light of what happened to the 2005 Hurricane Katrina and Rita dogs and cats, it was heartbreaking to learn more domestic animals were sent to an exotic wild pseudo-animal sanctuary that lacks the skills and abilities to properly care for displaced domestic animals.

Apparently Acadia Parish and the Louisiana SPCA shelters did not bother to run a background check on the pseudo-sanctuary, because if they did, both agencies would have learned the "sanctuary" is not recommended by Charity Navigator, does not possess the Wisegiving BBB seal, does not have the last two tax returns on file with GuideStar (hmmm IRS investigation perhaps), and has several USDA findings on file. If the agencies dug a little deeper, they would have found the "facility" is under investigation by the Texas Attorney General and the USDA/APHIS.

But no, in an effort to get rid of the animals, the two agencies sent the animals to a place that does not have the animals' best interest at heart. Chances are, the pseudo-sanctuary received several thousands of dollars, in exchange for accepting the animals--just like in 2005/2006. And I have no doubt a newsletter is already at the "sanctuary's" printer with the headlines "Victims of the Storm Need Your Help for Survival." What will happen to the animals? Will they get sick and die in their cages? Will they be euthanized? Will they be taken to the 100+ acre property's make-believe Feral Cat Rehabilitation Center to be released without any food, water, or shelter? Will they be shipped to yet another shelter once they have served their purpose and the money stops coming into the pseudo-sanctuary? Will what happened to the Katrina and Rita animals happen to the Gustav animals? It appears the Louisiana shelters put these lives in danger--and all for expediency. Truly the dogs and cats at the pseudo-sanctuary are the latest victims of Hurricane Gustav.

On a more positive note, another prayer was answered. A new "animal warrior" to the cause has stepped forward and is interested in helping the animals at the pseudo-sanctuary. She couldn't have come at a better time. Her positive outlook on the "now" is very refreshing and her timing could not have been better. Allow me to share with you some of her positive thinking:

Positive changes are quickly happening for the rapid improvement of animal welfare the pseudo-sanctuary! Everyone around us has our animal friends’ best interest at heart and our efforts are supported emotionally, spiritually, financially and legally. Resources we need find us quickly and prove abundant. Divine solutions present themselves as we seek them.