Printing Blog Not Allowed Texas Animal Sanctuary Underworld: July 2008

July 19, 2008

Farewell to Tarzan, Tag, and a Cougar

Sad news to report--three beautiful animals named Tarzan (male lion), Tag (male tiger), and a cougar (name unknown) are now confirmed dead at the pseudo-sanctuary.

Today, the pseudo-sanctuary's tour guide claimed Tarzan died because he was sickly and alleged the 6- year old tiger died from natural causes resulting from his "poor health." Yet, a 2007 video on the Internet shows Tarzan looking and acting fine in September, and yet by October, he was gone. The tour guide claimed in September the facility wanted to integrate Tarzan and Leo (his companion of many years) with Sheba and Sebastian (female and male lion). This "integration" was attempted once before several years ago, when Tarzan, Leo, Sheba, and Sebastian were juvenile lions. Since that attempted grouping did not go well, the plan to combine them into a lion "pride" was tabled due to their incompatibility.

In October and November 2007, when asked on video what happened to Tarzan, the same tour guide claimed the lion was doing great and living in a large natural enclosure at the second property. She also claimed that Rex, another lion, was also living at the second property, in the same large natural enclosure as part of a "lion pride." Note to self: Rex died six years ago!!

In 2006, tours were told that a large lion named Sabu was also relocated to the large natural "lion pride" enclosure at the second property. I guess this means he is dead too.

At least we now know the truth about what happened to Tarzan. Sadly, the tour guide gave a completely inaccurate report of Tarzan and Leo's past health condition. She lied about Leo's health condition upon arrival and how he was raised and she lied about Tarzan's true health condition prior to his death in October 2007. I know the truth because I was there when both animals arrived at different times from different owners (Leo in 2002 and Tarzan 2003). We have videos and photos, taken throughout the years, which paints a different picture of Tarzan's health, including a short video shown below. But, (and I say but with a whole lot of sarcasm and doubt) if he was truly ill, why didn't the pseudo-sanctuary provide him medical care? Where were the veterinarians listed on their web site? Why didn't the pseudo-sanctuary move Heaven and Earth to save Tarzan? Again, the pseudo-sanctuary continues to lie about the condition of their animals to the public, in the hopes that no one will even notice when the animals disappear forever.

Below is a video of Tarzan and Leo (Tarzan is running towards me and Leo is right behind him trying to get his attention) taken in May 2005. May the Almighty Lord hold Tarzan's soul in His loving arms in Heaven for ever and ever. May He continue to bless and protect Leo from harm - Amen.

But the sad news doesn't end there. Another beautiful animal named Tag was declared dead to a tour visitor today. When the tour visitor, with a video camera, attempted to learn the fate of Tag, the tour guide became very offensive and demanded the camera be turned off. Before the camera was turned off, the tour guide claimed the facility is an "open book" and they had nothing to hide, but she refused to continue the tour until the video camera was turned off. So much for an open book!

Tag and Rungy lived at the pseudo-sanctuary for many years. Now Rungy lives alone and I am concerned she may not survive very long because the pseudo-sanctuary does not like to have animals living in large enclosures alone because they take up "valuable cage space." I would not be surprised if by the end of this year, she'll disappear and if anyone asks, the story line will be that she is living at the second property in a large natural enclosure.

In memory of Tag - May our Awesome God hold Tag in His loving arms in Heaven for ever and ever - Amen.

(Picture taken January 2005)

(Picture taken January 2005)

Picture taken February 2008
On a final sad note, another cougar has died sometime since May 2008. That brings the number of cougars down from 21 in 2005 to 14 in 2008. May God bless the cougars that died at this place and are now in Heaven and may He protect the surviving cougars living at the pseudo-sanctuary. Please pray for relief for the animals at this pseudo-sanctuary. They deserve so much better than what they are currently receiving. Thank you!