Printing Blog Not Allowed Texas Animal Sanctuary Underworld: May 2008

May 31, 2008

It's Just Another Day

The pseudo-sanctuary recently sent out a newsletter appeal, saying they are in dire need of donations since donations were low. The pseudo-sanctuary lamented in the newsletter that the cost of food and building supplies "almost doubled." What the newsletter didn't mention was that the directors salaries "almost doubled" from 2005-2007--and it continues to grow too!

Sadly, the pseudo-sanctuary (with no media coverage, thankfully) took in three more tigers, piglets, ferrets, a dog and several cats this year. The piglets will no doubt end-up like the rescued 100+ pigs taken to the same facility several years ago--given away to the day laborers (yeah right) without any concern for the animals' welfare.

And the ferrets? Well, let's just say the facility received many ferrets over the years, and they never lasted more than a few months -- they were either given away, sold, or simply allowed to escape.

As to the cats and dogs? Hopefully they will be fortunate enough to be adopted out quickly else be forced to languish in small cages, or even worse, dumped at the pseudo-sanctuary's second property to fend for themselves.

And last, but not least, what about the tigers? What will happen to the older tiger taken to the facility along with two younger tigers? Will he live for a few years, be deemed unworthy and then euthanized, so as to make room for more tigers or lions? What happened to the animals that used to live in the cage before them? Where did they go?

More animals recently disappeared from the tour property and new animals arrived making it difficult for the public to discern the difference between the old and the new cage occupants. After all, to the general public, tigers and lions look alike so no one notices when the animals' names or stories change over time.

In other words, it's just another business day for the pseudo-sanctuary.

May 16, 2008

Bleeding the Place Dry

During a period when most employees only received a 2-3% pay raise, I find it absolutely unbelievable that the sanctuary's board of directors allowed the current directors to receive another enormous pay raise.

Last pay quarter, the female director received an approximate +16% pay increase and the male director received an approximate +3.5% pay increase. It appears the directors are now making more money than any other sanctuary director(s) in the United States! The place is still under investigation and animals are still disappearing from the main property--and yet they get another pay raise!!

When will someone step in and stop the directors from bleeding the place dry?