Printing Blog Not Allowed Texas Animal Sanctuary Underworld: February 2007

February 3, 2007

In the Beginning...1995

Several years ago, a real estate agent asked me if I liked animals. When I told him how much I loved animals, he suggested I visit the animal sanctuary located across the street. He told that I could visit tigers and lions and bears (oh my!) at this place. I couldn't believe my luck -- I donated money to the sanctuary through the Combined Federal Campaign, so needless to say I was thrilled to be living across the street from all these exotic animals!

When I went on a tour, I got to see tigers, lions, wolves, and cougars (and so much more) close-up for the very first time. It was great! The tour guide mentioned they were always looking for volunteers to help out at the sanctuary. I just knew I had to volunteer! The sanctuary looked like it needed some maintenance help, so I got to thinking, "Why not see if I can round up about 60 volunteers from work to help out."

So after work on a Friday night, I went to the sanctuary. It was so cold and windy while I stood outside the gate, in my military uniform, waiting to talk to the director at her private residence (she lived next door). Fortunately, it didn't take long to pitch my proposal. The director seemed very happy that 60 or so volunteers from Lackland AFB would come out the following weekend for general maintenance and clean-up. It was time to make plans for my first big volunteer project -- I was excited at the prospect and up to the challenge of find willing volunteers.

On Monday, I made arrangements for two buses to take about 60 law enforcement military students to the sanctuary that upcoming Saturday. I put the word out that I was looking for about 60 people to help perform general maintenance. By Friday, I was anxiously waiting to see how many people volunteered. My heart was broken when only about 10 people told me they planned to go. I didn't know what to do -- the buses were ready, the military work site supervisors were standing by, and I didn't have enough volunteers to fill the buses! I told the 10 volunteers to meet me at my office first thing Saturday morning and I prayed maybe they would bring a few more friends.

Saturday morning I drove back to work with a heavy and disappointed heart. I wasn't sure what to expect when I arrived -- would there be less than 10 people waiting to board the buses? When I arrived at work, I noticed there were three flights of students in the parking lot, so I had to park some distance from the building. When I finally made it into work, I saw no volunteers. Ah jeez, no volunteers... I was very disappointed and at a complete loss. I asked the person behind the counter where all my volunteers were and he replied "Ma'am, didn't you see the three flights outside? All those people ARE your volunteers!" I could have cried right there and then from sheer joy and relief!

Over 90 people volunteered from work that day... and since we only had room for 60 people, a decision was made to take the remaining 30 people the following day.

I was excited to lead two buses to the sanctuary. Everyone was very excited, for this was the first time the volunteers had an opportunity to help the community by volunteering at such a place that housed some of God's most amazing creatures. When we arrived, the rules were explained to everyone. Do not touch the animals; do not tease the animals; do not run or horseplay on the property; etc. We broke out in groups whereas each group had a supervisor responsible to ensure all the tasks were completed. Everyone worked very hard that morning, so by lunch time we were ravenous. The sanctuary treated everyone with a meal from McDonald's in appreciation for all our hard work. We were also given a very special treat -- a visit from two baby tigers. The director asked everyone to sit in a large circle and then two baby tigers were placed in the middle. We were allowed to pet the tigers, but not pick them up. Boy, those tigers knew how to work the circle! Everyone got a chance to pet the tigers and some lucky people had their pictures taken with them. After lunch, we completed our projects and departed with special memories of the baby tigers and all the animals we saw at the sanctuary. This was a day I would never forget.

This wonderful day was repeated on Sunday. By the end of the weekend, I decided to volunteer at this place at least once per month. I was hooked because I knew I could make a difference at this place. This was my chance to give back to the community and since I was passionate about helping animals and the had the ability to bring together large volunteer groups, I knew I could make a difference.So over the next several years I brought out over 600 volunteers from Lackland AFB, USAA, and Bexar County.  I continued volunteering at the sanctuary for ten years -- until my world came crashing in and I learned the truth behind this place -- the animal sanctuary underworld which I knew nothing about until that fateful day -- for that day became my moment of truth.

My last WAO public speaking at Cornerstone Church, June 17,2005