Printing Blog Not Allowed Texas Animal Sanctuary Underworld: November 2007

November 20, 2007

With a Grateful Heart

In two days it will be Thanksgiving Day, and it's during this time I've been reflecting on the people I am most grateful in my life for helping me get through this difficult case. There are a lot of people wanting to help the animals at the pseudo-sanctuary. Sadly, we learned a couple of weeks ago a lot of the animals died at the pseudo-sanctuary within the last 18 months. New animal names have been added to the list of dead -- and it's been really hard on the team because these animals' deaths could have been, for the most part, prevented. New animal injuries were observed recently at the pseudo-sanctuary and it's so unbelievably hard to watch the animals survive at this place, day after day, week after week, month after month, knowing that their lives may be at risk from disease, injury, or malnutrition. One of the animal caretakers is already planning the death of two wonderful physically handicapped tigers by saying "They may not live much longer, but at least they have this." [Her arms encompassing the tigers' animal small animal enclosure]

Three of the dead animals held a very special place in my heart and it has been difficult in dealing with their deaths. At one point, I wondered if it was even worth continuing the case because it seemed the USDA and OAG was not moving on this case and there was nothing I could do to save the animals' lives. On more than one occasion, I was told by co-workers to give up the case because it was affecting my health.

Fortunately, the animal rescue team members rallied behind me, encouraged me to continue, not for my sake, but for the animals' sake. So, despite all the deaths and injuries, I can find something to be grateful for - so this blog is dedicated to the animal rescue team and to animals that need our help.

That is why, during this time of thanksgiving, I give thanks for the people that stood behind me and the animals, helping us make a small difference, one day at a time. It is with a grateful heart I dedicate this blog to the team and especially to the animals still living at the pseudo-sanctuary. I end this blog page with a prayer for the animals:

Dear God, Please bless the Animals....and especially those who apparently suffer at the hands of careless, thoughtless or even cruel people. Just about every day, God, in whatever area of the world we happen to be, we hear about or see animals that are neglected or exploited. We know that Your eye is always on all of Your creations God, so if these animals are suffering physically, they must be here to teach us a lesson. Please, don't let us miss their point God. If their message is for us, let us hear what they came to teach us. And if it is for the awakening of others- please don't let them miss the message either. Thank you God, for understanding how lost we human beings can become and for the teachers that come in every size, shape and species to remind us that we are here to live with each other in love and peace and harmony and joy. Amen

Please pass this blog onto others so the message of the pseudo- sanctuary animals will not be lost forever in time. Thank you.