Printing Blog Not Allowed Texas Animal Sanctuary Underworld: September 2007

September 13, 2007

I Was Struck by the Lightning!

I received a voice message today from the San Antonio Lightning editor, RG Griffing!  He heard about the pseudo-sanctuary situation (from a friend of mine I later learned) and wants to do a story on the situation.

I called him back and we spoke for some time regarding the pseudo-sanctuary.  I think he was surprised with all the information I provided him regarding this case.

I hope he can help me save the animals! 

September 7, 2007


Faith... the cornerstone of any animal cruelty investigation. Faith that the animal cruelty investigators moved fast enough to stop the cruelty. Faith that law enforcement will do the right thing and prosecute the offenders. Faith that justice for the animals will be served in the end.

I've been asked why I haven't named the sanctuary in question in this blog. Simply put, the case is on-going and I do not want to jeopardize the case by naming names just yet. Once this case is over, I will definitely post the details of the investigation to the blog.

I've also been asked what "did the animal sanctuary do that was so wrong." Without going into too much detail, here is a small list of the allegations made to the authorities:
  • Injured animals, such as a chimpanzee, non-human primates, tigers, etc, were allowed to suffer and die from their open bleeding wounds--in other words, non-existent vet care;
  • Numerous animals, such as cougars and wolves, were kept in one enclosure and expected to "get along." Newly introduced animals did not always survive their introductory period;
  • Primates were predominantly fed dog food and moldy white bread. Fruits and vegetables were rarely given out for the were considered "treats;"
  • Many primates died from the freezing temperatures because the subtropical primates did not receive any heat or protection from the elements;
  • Incoming primates were kept in small squeeze-back cages for months (and I mean more than six months at a time) until they either died or a cage was finally built for them. These squeeze-back cages were so small the animals could barely turn around. There were no toys or other stimuli to keep the monkeys occupied. Just a monkey in a small metal box during searing hot summer temperatures or bone chilling winters;
  • A lot of tigers were euthanized because they were either deemed "aggressive" or suddenly developed "renal failure;"
  • Did I mention the huge animal burial pits containing hundreds and hundreds of dead animals? Animals such as a very large number of pit bulls; hurricane cats and supposedly "feral cats"; tigers; lions; wolves; primates; servals; jaguars; leopards; cougars; bears; cougars; and so on....
  • And needless to say, there is the money trail leading to the alleged misappropriation of funds.
I say "allegations and alleged" because until either the current board member(s) admit the truth about all the illegal activities or it's proven in a court of law, that is how I must report the "alleged" misdeeds committed by this so-called "sanctuary."  

During the course of this investigation, I have met a lot of wonderful people, including an animal cruelty investigator whom worked tirelessly on another animal case for the last 10 years (oh my goodness...10 long years)! Hopefully soon, her case will have a happy ending as it makes its way through the court system this month. Her advice and support has been invaluable. Yesterday she reminded me to keep the faith and pray for a happy resolution to my case, as she kept the faith for 10 long years.

You know folks, I can't help but think if we were not talking about animals, but rather children or elderly persons, this case would have be over in a matter of days -- not years. Why is there such a glaring double standard? Why are non-profit animal "sanctuaries" given multiple chances to clean up their act, while for-profit business are shut down immediately if there is even a hint of fraud? Hmmm.