Printing Blog Not Allowed Texas Animal Sanctuary Underworld

July 19, 2009

Another Reported Tiger Death - Bubba?

I just learned there was another tiger death at the pseudo-sanctuary and rumor has it that it may have been Bubba, the white tiger. Here is Bubba's story:

The video clip below was taken on November 24, 2008. Bubba arrived at the pseudo-sanctuary in the Spring of 2005 along with several other animals to include 8 servals (today there is only one left at the facility). The facility sent out newsletter appeals in 2005-06 requesting funds to build Bubba a "specially designed, large natural area, with low shelter areas and large natural pool." Needless to say, the cage was never built; he currently lives in a small enclosure that housed many, many tigers over the years. His cage mate, Princess, died under suspicious circumstances in 2008, shortly before the video (seen below) was taken.

Bubba was also promised a special diet and medication to treat any pain resulting from his degenerative joint disease in his hips. According to the pseudo-sanctuary's vet, Bubba should have been able to live a near normal lifespan. It's hard to believe that the tiger in the video is only about 8 years old!

We are waiting for confirmation of the tiger that died recently. No matter who the tiger was (Bubba or another male tiger), he or she did not deserve to die so young. So many big cats have died from the touring facility within the last few months, that it unconscionable that the USDA does nothing to save the remaining big cats living at this "facility." May God Bless and protect the tiger that died in and now resides in Heaven, forever and ever.

July 18, 2009

Why Bother?

I don't even know why I bother contacting the USDA any more regarding animal deaths.  I cannot get it through Dr. Pannill's head that every time a WAO animal dies, the pseudo-director calls the WAO's vet to request a death certificate.  The vet doesn't even look at the animal, so the pseudo-director makes up whatever she wants for the cause of death portion of the certificate.  This is sick.

Sent: Sat, July 18, 2009 8:21:27 AM
Subject: WAO - Additional Big Cat Animal Deaths

Dear Dr. Pannill:

Since there would be little value in requesting an investigation into the deaths of Vivi (9 month old tiger cub) who died last week and the adult male tiger who died two days ago, (seeing how all the "paperwork" will undoubtedly be on file with Dr. Ehrlund's office), I thought you might want an update on the latest unusual deaths at the Wild Animal Orphanage, so you can adjust your records.

It is my understanding Dr. Erhlund wants the body of the adult male tiger to be sent to TVMDL as soon as possible.


Kristina Brunner

Needless to say, my co-workers think I'm crazy for pursuing this case. My friends want me to stop because they see what this case is doing to me mentally and physically.  The OAG has done nothing to stop the pseudo-directors from going crazy with the sanctuary's funds and the USDA could care less if the animals lived or died.  So why am I bothering?  I had one friend ask me why I put so much faith in God when He obviously does not care if the animals lived or died at the pseudo-sanctuary too.  She wanted to know why I continued to bother with this case since it appears everyone is against me.

After a few thoughtful seconds, I told her that it was not God killing the animals, but the pseudo-sanctuary's board of directors.  God loves these animals and when they pass away He will be there with open arms to welcome them home.  In the meantime, God continues to give me the strength and courage to carry on despite all the nay-sayers who said I should quit the animal case.

I guess with everything going on right now, this song sums up how I feel right now...

Thank you, God, for always being there for me and the animals...  I will get through this storm.

July 11, 2009

Vivi's Memorial

It was my intention to cover the cougar case, but I'm afraid the death of the pseudo-sanctuary's latest acquisition, Vivi, baby tiger, needed to be addressed. I originally wrote about Vivi (first known as Zee Zee) in February 2009, shortly after her arrival to the pseudo-sanctuary. Tours visiting the "sanctuary" reported the 4 month old tiger cub lived next to the bears and was moved next to the two adult tigers. The tour guide told guests the plan was to integrate Vivi with the two adults sometime in the future.
Now Vivi is dead and the pseudo-sanctuary's vet, concerned with the extremely high number of big cat deaths this year, requested the tiger be taken to the Texas Vet Medical Diagnostic Laboratory for a necropsy. The picture shown above was found on the pseudo-sanctuary's veterinarian's web site; another photo seen on the site shamelessly depicts Vivi sedated and being "held" by one of the vet techs. I wonder when those photos will be taken down, if ever.

I warned the USDA/APHIS about Vivi living at the pseudo-sanctuary. Did they keep an eye on her? Did they keep an eye on Noel, the baby cougar, whom arrived just two months prior to Vivi? NO! Now Vivi is dead and Noel is allegedly "recovering" from her injuries sustained when "introduced" to the adult cougars. Noel lives at the pseudo-sanctuary's unregulated, non-inspected property, alone, right next to several tigers.  Yes, you read correctly -- Vivi is living in one of the New Jersey tiger quarantine cages, within an eye view of several tigers! Due to her alleged injuries, it is unlikely she will ever be integrated with the 6 surviving cougars (assuming there are still 6 cougars left). So she will have to spend the rest of her life in a tiny quarantine cage next to tigers.  Poor thing must be terrified.

And what would be the point of reporting Vivi's death to the USDA? I'm sure the pseudo-sanctuary's government paperwork will be in order -- never mind the epidemic of animal deaths at the tour facility. So, for grins, let's catch up on the number of deaths which occurred in the last few months -- 8 cougars, 1 liger, 1 tiger cub, and at least 2 tigers (possibly 4 in all)--that's a minimum of 12 animals since February 2009! This is outrageous and the sad thing is there is absolutely nothing anyone can do to save these animals, nor warn others from sending their "pets" or "lab animals" to this place. Government failed these animals because they are more concerned with "intentions" and the "paperwork" then they are on the health and welfare of the animals. I can assure you if animals were substituted for children or elderly residents, this place would have been shut down years ago.

So "where" can the directors be found during this epidemic? On vacation of course, where else? The male director is on yet another vacation and will not be back until next week, at which point, the female director plans to take yet another vacation.

With the heat maintaining over 100 degrees with a heat index of over 102 degrees every single day for weeks, I'm sure the death toll will continue to rise. But heck, you can be sure the "paperwork" will be in order.

God Bless Vivi and all the other animals that died at this place within the last few months; they deserved so much better. Vivi never got a chance to live the life of a tiger as her light was snuffed out way too soon. I just pray no more baby animals are either born or taken to the pseudo-sanctuary as I'm afraid they too will meet a very tragic end.